Jane Fonda

Jane Fonda
Jane Fonda

Jane Seymour Fonda is an American actress, political activist, environmentalist, and former fashion model. She is the recipient of various accolades including two Academy Awards, two BAFTA Awards, seven Golden Globe Awards, a Primetime Emmy Award, the AFI Life Achievement Award, and the Honorary Golden Lion.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
December 21st, 1937
Birth Place
United States of America, New York
Star Sign
170 cm | 5'7
Social Networks , Links
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Nancy Reagan in The Butler
Hilary Altman in This Is Where I Leave You
Brenda Morel in Youth
Grace Hanson in Grace and Frankie
Viola Fields in Monster-in-Law
Kimberly Wells in The China Syndrome
Barbarella in Barbarella
Judy Bernly in 9 to 5
Chelsea Thayer Wayne in On Golden Pond
Bree Daniels in Klute
Georgia in Georgia Rule
Vivian in Book Club
Corie Bratter in Barefoot in the Park
Catherine 'Cat' Ballou in Cat Ballou
Sally Hyde in Coming Home
Addie Moore in Our Souls at Night
Anna in The Chase
Lillian in Julia
Iris King in Stanley & Iris
Doctor Martha Livingston in Agnes of God
Hannah Warren in California Suite
Alex Sternbergen in The Morning After
Melinda in Joy House
Harriet Winslow in Old Gringo
Kitty Twist in Walk on the Wild Side
Lee Winters in Rollover
The Night in The Blue Bird
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