List of Famous people named Antonia

Name Antonia is among the most common names in Brazil, Mexico, Spain, Italy, Argentina. Similar names: Anthony, Antonio, Anton, Antony, Antoni, Antonie, Antoon, Antonee, Antton, Antoniy, Anthoni, Anthonie, Anthone. Here are some famous Antonias:

Antonia Bennett

First Name Antonia
Last Name Bennett
Born on April 7, 1974 (age 50)

Antonia Bennett is an American singer of adult alternative music, standards, and jazz. She is a daughter of singer Tony Bennett and actress Sandra Grant.

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Antonia San Juan

First Name Antonia
Last Name Juan
Born on May 22, 1961 (age 63)

Antonia San Juan Fernández is a Spanish actress, director and screenwriter.

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Antonia Brico

Antonia Louisa Brico
First Name Antonia
Last Name Brico
Born on June 26, 1902
Died on August 3, 1989 (aged 87)

Antonia Louisa Brico was a conductor and pianist.

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Antonia Terzi

First Name Antonia
Last Name Terzi
Born on April 29, 1971
Died on October 31, 2021 (aged 50)

Antonia Terzi was an Italian aerodynamicist who worked for the Ferrari and Williams Formula One teams.

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Antonia Thomas

First Name Antonia
Last Name Thomas
Born on November 3, 1986 (age 37)
Height 155 cm | 5'1

Antonia Laura Thomas is a British actress and singer. She is best known for her roles as Alisha Daniels in the E4 comedy-drama series Misfits, Evie in the Channel 4/Netflix comedy series Lovesick and Claire Brown in the ABC drama series The Good Doctor.

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Antonia Rados

First Name Antonia
Last Name Rados
Born on June 15, 1953 (age 71)
Born in Austria, Carinthia

Antonia Rados is an Austrian television journalist working for RTL Television since 1993.

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Antonia Santa María

First Name Antonia
Last Name María
Born on July 22, 1979 (age 45)

Antonia Santa María Monckeberg is a Chilean film, television, and theater actress.

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Antonia Lofaso

Antonia Lofaso is an American chef who has appeared on the reality TV shows Top Chef, Chopped, Cutthroat Kitchen and Restaurant Startup, among others. She owns the restaurants Black Market Liquor Bar, Scopa Italian Roots, and DAMA in Los Angeles, California.

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Antonia Santilli

First Name Antonia
Last Name Santilli
Born on August 8, 1949 (age 74)
Born in Italy, Lazio

Antonia Santilli is a former Italian actress and model. Born in Spigno Saturnia, Lazio, she began modelling and acting in theatre productions while enrolled at the Sapienza University of Rome. In 1971, she appeared in an issue of the adult magazine Playmen. She appeared in twelve films between 1971 and 1974. Her final film role was in the comedy Unbelievable Adventures of Italians in Russia (1974), shot in the Soviet Union.

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Antonia Bird

First Name Antonia
Last Name Bird
Born on May 27, 1951
Died on October 24, 2013 (aged 62)

Antonia Jane Bird, FRSA was an English producer and director of television drama and feature films.

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