List of Famous people born in Austria

Adolf Hitler

First Name Adolf
Last Name Hitler
Died on April 30, 1945
Height 174 cm | 5'9

Adolf Hitler was an Austrian-born German politician and leader of the Nazi Party. He rose to power as the chancellor of Germany in 1933 and then as Führer in 1934. During his dictatorship from 1933 to 1945, he initiated World War II in Europe by invading Poland on 1 September 1939. He was closely involved in military operations throughout the war and was central to the perpetration of the Holocaust, the genocide of about 6 million Jews and millions of other victims.

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Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger
First Name Arnold
Last Name Schwarzenegger
Born on July 30, 1947 (age 76)
Born in Austria, Styria
Height 187 cm | 6'2

Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger is an Austrian-American actor, businessman, retired professional bodybuilder and former politician who served as the 38th Governor of California from 2003 to 2011. As of 2021, he is the most recent Republican governor of California.

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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart
First Name Wolfgang
Last Name Mozart
Born on January 27, 1756
Died on December 5, 1791 (aged 35)
Born in Austria, Salzburg

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, baptised as Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart, was a prolific and influential composer of the Classical period.

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Sebastian Kurz

First Name Sebastian
Last Name Kurz
Born on August 27, 1986 (age 37)
Born in Austria

Sebastian Kurz is an Austrian politician who has served as Chancellor of Austria since January 2020, a position he previously held from December 2017 to May 2019. Kurz has also been chairman of the Austrian People's Party since May 2017.

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Marie Antoinette

First Name Marie
Last Name Antoinette
Born on November 2, 1755
Died on October 16, 1793 (aged 37)
Born in Austria, Vienna

Marie Antoinette was the last queen of France before the French Revolution. She was born an archduchess of Austria and was the penultimate child and youngest daughter of Empress Maria Theresa and Emperor Francis I. She became dauphine of France in May 1770 at age 14 upon her marriage to Louis-Auguste, heir apparent to the French throne. On 10 May 1774, her husband ascended the throne as Louis XVI and she became queen.

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Christoph Waltz

First Name Christoph
Last Name Waltz
Born on October 4, 1956 (age 67)
Born in Austria
Height 171 cm | 5'7

Christoph Waltz is an Austrian-German actor and director. Since 2009 he has mainly been active in the United States. His accolades include two Academy Awards, two Golden Globe Awards, two British Academy Film Awards and two Screen Actors Guild Awards.

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Karl Nehammer

First Name Karl
Last Name Nehammer
Born on October 18, 1972 (age 51)
Born in Austria

Karl Nehammer is an Austrian politician of the Austrian People's Party (ÖVP) who has been serving as minister of the interior in the government of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz since January 2020.

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Toto Wolff

First Name Toto
Born on January 12, 1972 (age 52)
Born in Austria

Torger Christian "Toto" Wolff is an Austrian investor and former racing driver. He holds a 33% share in Mercedes AMG Petronas Motorsport Formula One Team and is Team Principal and CEO of the team.

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Frank Elstner

Timm Maria Franz Elstner
First Name Frank
Last Name Elstner
Born on April 19, 1942 (age 82)

Timm Franz Maria Elstner, known as Frank Elstner, is a German television presenter.

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Niki Lauda

Andreas Nikolaus Lauda
First Name Niki
Last Name Lauda
Born on February 22, 1949
Died on May 20, 2019 (aged 70)
Born in Austria

Andreas Nikolaus Lauda was an Austrian Formula One driver and aviation entrepreneur. He was a three-time F1 World Drivers' Champion, winning in 1975, 1977 and 1984, and is the only driver in F1 history to have been champion for both Ferrari and McLaren, the sport's two most successful constructors.

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