Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger is an Austrian-American actor, businessman, retired professional bodybuilder and former politician who served as the 38th Governor of California from 2003 to 2011. As of 2021, he is the most recent Republican governor of California.

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger
Date of Birth
July 30th, 1947
Birth Place
Austria, Styria
Star Sign
187 cm | 6'2
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The Terminator in Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Terminator in The Terminator
Dutch in Predator
Quaid in Total Recall
Harry Tasker in True Lies
Guardian in Terminator Genisys
Rottmayer in Escape Plan
John Matrix in Commando
Ben Richards in The Running Man
Mr. Freeze, Dr. Victor Fries in Batman & Robin
Jack Slater in Last Action Hero
Ray Owens in The Last Stand
Kimble in Kindergarten Cop
T-800, Carl in Terminator: Dark Fate
Julius Benedict in Twins
Adam Gibson in The 6th Day
U.S. Marshal John 'The Eraser' Kruger in Eraser
Jericho in End of Days
Howard Langston in Jingle All the Way
Gordy Brewer in Collateral Damage
Ivan Danko in Red Heat
John 'Breacher' Wharton in Sabotage
Dr. Alex Hesse in Junior
Wade Vogel in Maggie
Kalidor in Red Sonja
Mark Kaminski, Joseph P. Brenner in Raw Deal
Roman in Aftermath
Hercules in Hercules in New York
Handsome Stranger in The Villain
Joe Santo in Stay Hungry
James Hook in Viy 2: Journey to China
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