List of Famous people named Antonio

Name Antonio is among the most common names in Italy, Spain, Mexico, France. Shortened forms: Tony. Similar names: Tony, Anthony, Anton, Antonia, Antony, Antoni, Antonie, Antoon, Antonee, Antton, Antoniy, Anthoni, Anthonie, Anthone. Here are some famous Antonios:

Antonio Conte

First Name Antonio
Last Name Conte
Born on July 31, 1969 (age 54)
Born in Italy, Apulia
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Antonio Conte is an Italian professional football manager and former player. He is the head coach at Serie A club Inter Milan.

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Antonio Brown

Antonio Tavaris Brown Sr. is an American football wide receiver for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers of the National Football League (NFL). Raised in Liberty City, Miami, Brown attended Miami Norland High School, where he competed in both football and track. He played college football at Central Michigan University, where he earned All-American honors in 2008 and 2009 as a punt returner. A sixth-round pick by the Pittsburgh Steelers, Brown amassed more receptions than any other player in the league from his rookie season in 2010 through 2018.

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Antonio Escohotado

First Name Antonio
Last Name Escohotado
Born on July 5, 1941 (age 83)

Antonio Escohotado Espinosa is a Spanish philosopher, essayist and university professor whose work, while mainly focused on law, philosophy and sociology, has covered a wide range of fields. Escohotado gained public renown for his research on drugs as well as for his well-known anti-prohibitionist positions. His major work, The General History of Drugs, is widely respected.

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Antonio Banderas

José Antonio Domínguez Banderas
First Name Antonio
Last Name Banderas
Born on August 10, 1960 (age 63)
Born in Spain, Andalusia
Height 174 cm | 5'9

José Antonio Domínguez Bandera, known professionally as Antonio Banderas, is a Spanish actor, singer, film producer and director. He is the recipient of numerous accolades, including a Cannes Best Actor Award and nominations for a Tony Award, an Academy Award, two Primetime Emmy Awards and five Golden Globe Awards.

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Antonio Rüdiger

First Name Antonio
Last Name Rüdiger
Born on March 3, 1993 (age 31)
Born in Germany
Height 190 cm | 6'3

Antonio Rüdiger is a German professional footballer who plays as a centre back for Premier League club Chelsea and the Germany national team.

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Antonio D'Amico

First Name Antonio
Last Name D'Amico
Born on January 20, 1959 (age 65)
Born in Italy, Apulia

Antonio D'Amico is an Italian model and fashion designer.

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Antonio Giovinazzi

Antonio Maria Giovinazzi
First Name Antonio
Last Name Giovinazzi
Born on December 14, 1993 (age 30)
Born in Italy, Apulia
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Antonio Maria Giovinazzi is an Italian racing driver currently competing in Formula One for Alfa Romeo Racing. He was the 2015 FIA Formula 3 European Championship runner-up and raced with Prema in the 2016 GP2 Series, again finishing runner-up with five wins and eight overall podiums. Giovinazzi was chosen by Scuderia Ferrari to be their third and reserve driver for the 2017 season. He made his competitive debut for Sauber at the 2017 Australian Grand Prix, replacing the injured Pascal Wehrlein. He also replaced Wehrlein at the following Chinese Grand Prix as Wehrlein continued his recovery. Giovinazzi signed a contract to race full-time for Alfa Romeo Racing in 2019.

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Antonio José de Sucre

First Name Antonio
Last Name Sucre
Born on February 3, 1795
Died on June 4, 1830 (aged 35)
Born in Venezuela, Sucre

Antonio José de Sucre y Alcalá, known as "Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho", was a Venezuelan independence leader who served as the 4th President of Peru and as the 2nd President of Bolivia. Sucre was one of Simón Bolívar's closest friends, generals and statesmen.

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Antonio Pérez

First Name Antonio
Last Name Pérez
Born on March 20, 1986 (age 38)

Antonio Pérez Mendoza is a Mexican retired stock car racing driver. He last competed in the NASCAR Mexico Series, driving the No. 1 Toyota for Jimmy Morales. He is the 2008 NASCAR Corona Series champion.

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Antonio Flores

First Name Antonio
Last Name Flores
Born on November 14, 1961
Died on May 30, 1995 (aged 33)

Antonio González Flores was a Spanish singer-songwriter and actor. He was Romani on his father's side.

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