List of Famous people named Antony

Similar names: Anthony, Antonio, Anton, Antonia, Antoni, Antonie, Antoon, Antonee, Antton, Antoniy, Anthoni, Anthonie, Anthone. Here are some famous Antonys:

Antony Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl of Snowdon

Antony Charles Robert Armstrong-Jones
First Name Antony
Last Name Snowdon
Born on March 7, 1930
Died on January 13, 2017 (aged 86)

Antony Charles Robert Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl of Snowdon was a British photographer and filmmaker who married Princess Margaret, the sister of Queen Elizabeth II.

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Antony Sher

First Name Antony
Last Name Sher
Born on June 14, 1949
Died on December 2, 2021 (aged 72)

Sir Antony Sher, KBE is a British actor of South African origin, a two-time Laurence Olivier Award winner and four-time nominee, who joined the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1982 and toured in many roles, as well as appearing on film and TV, and working as a writer and theatre director. In 2001, he starred in his cousin Ronald Harwood's play Mahler's Conversion, and said that the story of a composer sacrificing his faith for his career echoed his own identity struggles.

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Antony Starr

First Name Antony
Last Name Starr
Born on October 25, 1975 (age 48)
Height 179 cm | 5'10

Antony Starr is a New Zealand actor best known for his starring role in Amazon Prime Video's original series The Boys, which is based on the comic book series of the same name, playing the superhero Homelander. In his own country, he is best known for his dual role as twins Jethro and Van West in New Zealand's comedy/drama Outrageous Fortune and Billy Newwood in Without a Paddle. He was the series lead, Lucas Hood, in the four season run of Banshee.

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Antony Matheus dos Santos

First Name Antony
Last Name Santos
Born on February 24, 2000 (age 24)
Born in Brazil, São Paulo
Height 172 cm | 5'8

Antony Matheus dos Santos, simply known as Antony, is a Brazilian professional football player who plays as a winger for Eredivisie club Ajax and the Brazil national team.

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Antony Fowler

First Name Antony
Last Name Fowler
Born on March 10, 1991 (age 33)

Anthony John Fowler is a British professional boxer. As an amateur, he won a bronze medal at the 2013 World Championships and gold at the 2014 Commonwealth Games.

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Antony Hamilton

First Name Antony
Last Name Hamilton
Born on May 4, 1952
Died on March 29, 1995 (aged 42)

Antony Hamilton Smith was an English–Australian actor, model and dancer. Hamilton began his career as a ballet dancer with The Australian Ballet before becoming a model. He later transitioned into acting and won his first notable role in the 1984 television film Samson and Delilah. That same year, he took over the lead role in the series Cover Up after the death of the series' lead actor, Jon-Erik Hexum. One of Hamilton's best-known roles was that of Max Harte, an agent in the 1988 revival of Mission: Impossible.

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Ántony de Ávila

First Name Ántony
Last Name Ávila
Height 160 cm | 5'3

Antony William de Ávila Charris is a Colombian former soccer striker nicknamed El Pitufo, who last played for América de Cali.

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Antony Ressler

First Name Antony
Last Name Ressler
Born on July 16, 1959 (age 65)
Net Worth $4.3B

Antony P. Ressler is an American billionaire private equity tycoon and venture capitalist, based in Beverly Hills. He co-founded the private equity firms Apollo Global Management in 1990, and Ares Management in 1997. The key founder of both firms is Ressler's brother-in-law, Leon Black. Ressler is the majority and controlling owner of the Atlanta Hawks. His group purchased the team in June 2015 for an estimated $730 million - $850 million.

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Antony Moynihan, 3rd Baron Moynihan

First Name Antony
Last Name Moynihan
Born on February 2, 1936
Died on November 24, 1991 (aged 55)

Antony Patrick Andrew Cairne Berkeley Moynihan, 3rd Baron Moynihan, 3rd Baronet of Carr Manor was a British hereditary peer. He lived a playboy lifestyle and married five times. After multiple charges of fraud in 1970, he left the UK for good. Settling in the Philippines, he was allegedly involved in procuring and drug trafficking.

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Antony Hewish

First Name Antony
Last Name Hewish
Born on May 11, 1924
Died on September 13, 2021 (aged 97)

Antony Hewish is a British radio astronomer who won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1974 for his role in the discovery of pulsars. He was also awarded the Eddington Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society in 1969.

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