List of Famous people with last name Sher

Antony Sher

First Name Antony
Last Name Sher
Born on June 14, 1949
Died on December 2, 2021 (aged 72)

Sir Antony Sher, KBE is a British actor of South African origin, a two-time Laurence Olivier Award winner and four-time nominee, who joined the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1982 and toured in many roles, as well as appearing on film and TV, and working as a writer and theatre director. In 2001, he starred in his cousin Ronald Harwood's play Mahler's Conversion, and said that the story of a composer sacrificing his faith for his career echoed his own identity struggles.

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Eden Sher

Eden Rebecca Sher
First Name Eden
Last Name Sher
Born on December 26, 1991 (age 32)
Height 158 cm | 5'2

Eden Rebecca Sher is an American actress, best known for her roles as Sue Heck on the ABC family sitcom series The Middle (2009–2018) and as Star Butterfly on the Disney XD / Disney Channel animated fantasy dramedy series Star vs. the Forces of Evil (2015–2019). She won the 2013 Critics' Choice Television Award for Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series for her performance in The Middle.

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Jack Sher

John Jacob Sher
First Name Jack
Last Name Sher
Born on March 16, 1913
Died on August 23, 1988 (aged 75)

John Jacob Sher was an American newspaper columnist, songwriter, film director, film writer, and producer.

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Stacey Sher

First Name Stacey
Last Name Sher
Born on November 30, 1962 (age 61)

Stacey Sher is an American film producer.

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Boris Sher

First Name Boris
Last Name Sher
Born on July 24, 1914
Died on November 10, 1994 (aged 80)
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Arkady Sher

First Name Arkady
Born on May 29, 1934
Died on August 7, 2018 (aged 84)
Born in Russia
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Lawrence Sher

First Name Lawrence
Last Name Sher
Born on February 4, 1970 (age 54)

Lawrence Sher, ASC is an American cinematographer and film director, best known for comedy films such as Garden State, The Dictator, and The Hangover series, frequently collaborating with directors Todd Phillips and Zach Braff. He made his directorial debut with Father Figures, which began a wide theatrical release on December 22, 2017, by Warner Bros. Pictures. He was nominated for an Academy Award and BAFTA Award for Best Cinematography for the 2019 film Joker, directed by Phillips.

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