List of Famous people named Ann

Name Ann is among the most common names in USA, England, Canada, Australia. Similar names: Anne, Anna, Ian, Annie, Ana, Yann, Yan, Ahn, Anni, Yana, Anny, Anya, An, Ania, Ani, Ane, Ayana, Any, Yane, Yaani, Ayanna, Ahna, Yani, Ahney, Ayane, Iani, Anno, Iana, Ayan, Anay, Annia, Ayano. Here are some famous Anns:

Ann Coulter

First Name Ann
Last Name Coulter
Born on December 8, 1961 (age 62)
Height 176 cm | 5'9

Ann Hart Coulter is an American conservative media pundit, best-selling author, syndicated columnist, and lawyer.

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Ann Dowd

First Name Ann
Last Name Dowd
Born on January 30, 1956 (age 68)

Ann Dowd is an American actress. She has played supporting roles in several films, including Green Card (1990), Lorenzo's Oil (1992), Philadelphia (1993), Garden State (2004), The Manchurian Candidate (2004), Marley & Me (2008), Side Effects (2013), St. Vincent (2014), Captain Fantastic (2016), and Hereditary (2018). Dowd appeared as Sandra in the thriller film Compliance (2012), for which she received the National Board of Review Award for Best Supporting Actress.

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Ann Dunham

First Name Ann
Last Name Dunham
Born on November 29, 1942
Died on November 7, 1995 (aged 52)

Stanley Ann Dunham was an American anthropologist who specialized in the economic anthropology and rural development of Indonesia. She was the mother of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. Dunham was known as Stanley Ann Dunham through high school, then as Ann Dunham, Ann Obama, Ann Soetoro, a.k.a. Ann Sutoro, and resumed her maiden name, Ann Dunham, later in life.

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Ann Mui

First Name Ann
Last Name Mui
Born on December 10, 1959
Died on April 16, 2000 (aged 40)

Ann Mui Oi-fong (梅愛芳) was a singer and actress.

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Ann Curry

First Name Ann
Last Name Curry
Born on November 19, 1956 (age 67)
Height 164 cm | 5'5

Ann Curry is an American journalist and photojournalist, who has been a reporter for more than 30 years, focused on human suffering in war zones and natural disasters. Curry has reported from the wars in Kosovo, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Afghanistan, Darfur, Congo and the Central African Republic. Curry has covered numerous disasters, including the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 and the earthquake in Haiti in 2010, where her appeal via Twitter topped Twitter's 'most powerful' list, credited for helping speed the arrival of humanitarian planes.

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Ann Sophie

First Name Ann
Last Name Sophie
Born on September 1, 1990 (age 33)

Ann-Sophie Dürmeyer, better known as simply Ann Sophie, is a German singer and songwriter. She represented Germany in the Eurovision Song Contest 2015 with the song "Black Smoke". Her latest single "Phantom Pain" was released in November 2020.

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Ann Wilson

Ann Dustin Wilson
First Name Ann
Last Name Wilson
Born on June 19, 1950 (age 74)

Ann Dustin Wilson is an American musician best known as the lead singer and songwriter of the rock band Heart.

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Ann Reinking

First Name Ann
Last Name Reinking
Born on November 10, 1949
Died on December 12, 2020 (aged 71)
Height 166 cm | 5'5

Ann Reinking was an American actress, dancer, and choreographer. She worked extensively in musical theater, starring in Broadway productions such as Coco (1969), Over Here! (1974), Goodtime Charley (1975), Chicago (1977), Dancin' (1978), and Sweet Charity (1986).

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Ann Louise Winblad

First Name Ann
Last Name Winblad
Born on November 1, 1950 (age 73)

Ann L. Winblad is an American businesswoman. She is a founding partner of Hummer Winblad Venture Partners.

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Ann Widdecombe

First Name Ann
Last Name Widdecombe
Born on October 4, 1947 (age 76)

Ann Noreen Widdecombe is a British politician, author and television personality. She served as the Conservative Member of Parliament (MP) for Maidstone from 1987 to 1997 and for Maidstone and The Weald from 1997 to 2010. She also served as a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) for South West England for the Brexit Party from 2019 to 2020.

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