List of Famous people who died at 71

Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon

Princess Margaret Rose of York
First Name Princess
Last Name Snowdon
Born on August 21, 1930
Died on February 9, 2002 (aged 71)

Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon, was the younger daughter of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, and the only sibling of Queen Elizabeth II.

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Rodolfo Gucci

First Name Rodolfo
Born on January 1, 1912
Died on January 1, 1983 (aged 71)

Rodolfo Gucci, also known by his stage name Maurizio D'Ancora, was an Italian actor and entrepreneur, who appeared in more than forty films between 1929 until 1946. He was a member of the House of Gucci. His only child, Maurizio Gucci, was named after his stage name.

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Johnny Cash

J. R. Cash
First Name Johnny
Born on February 26, 1932
Died on September 12, 2003 (aged 71)
Height 187 cm | 6'2

John R. Cash was an American singer, songwriter, musician, and actor. Much of Cash's music contained themes of sorrow, moral tribulation, and redemption, especially in the later stages of his career. He was known for his deep, calm bass-baritone voice, the distinctive sound of his Tennessee Three backing band characterized by train-like chugging guitar rhythms, a rebelliousness coupled with an increasingly somber and humble demeanor, free prison concerts, and a trademark all-black stage wardrobe which earned him the nickname "The Man in Black".

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Shyamala Gopalan

First Name Shyamala
Born on April 7, 1938
Died on February 11, 2009 (aged 70)
Born in India

Shyamala Gopalan was an American biomedical scientist born in British India, whose work in isolating and characterizing the progesterone receptor gene stimulated advances in breast biology and oncology.

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Vivian Liberto

First Name Vivian
Last Name Liberto
Born on April 23, 1934
Died on May 24, 2005 (aged 71)

Vivian Liberto Cash Distin was an American homemaker, author, and the first wife of singer Johnny Cash.

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George Carlin

George Denis Patrick Carlin
First Name George
Last Name Carlin
Born on May 12, 1937
Died on June 22, 2008 (aged 71)
Height 175 cm | 5'9

George Denis Patrick Carlin was an American stand-up comedian, actor, social critic and author. Regarded as one of the most important and influential stand-up comics of all time, he was dubbed "the dean of counterculture comedians". He was known for his dark comedy and reflections on politics, the English language, psychology, religion, and taboo subjects. His "seven dirty words" routine was central to the 1978 United States Supreme Court case F.C.C. v. Pacifica Foundation, in which a 5–4 decision affirmed the government's power to censor indecent material on the public airwaves.

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Yves Saint Laurent

Yves Henri Donat Mathieu-Saint-Laurent
First Name Yves
Born on August 1, 1936
Died on June 1, 2008 (aged 71)

Yves Henri Donat Mathieu-Saint-Laurent, professionally known as Yves Saint-Laurent, was a French fashion designer who, in 1961, founded his eponymous fashion label. He is regarded as being among the foremost fashion designers in the twentieth century. In 1985, Caroline Rennolds Milbank wrote, "The most consistently celebrated and influential designer of the past twenty-five years, Yves Saint Laurent can be credited with both spurring the couture's rise from its 1960s ashes and with finally rendering ready-to-wear reputable." He was able to adapt his style to accommodate the changes in fashion during that period. He approached fashion in a different perspective by wanting women to look comfortable yet elegant at the same time. He is also credited with having introduced the tuxedo suit for women and was known for his use of non-European cultural references, and non-white models.

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José José

José Rómulo Sosa Ortiz
First Name José
Last Name José
Born on February 17, 1948
Died on September 28, 2019 (aged 71)

José Rómulo Sosa Ortiz, known by his stage name José José, was a Mexican musician, singer and occasional actor. Born into a family of musicians, José began his musical career in his early teens playing guitar and singing in serenade. He later joined a jazz and bossa nova trio where he sang and played bass and double bass.

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Graham Kennedy

First Name Graham
Last Name Kennedy
Born on February 15, 1934
Died on May 25, 2005 (aged 71)
Born in Australia, Victoria

Graham Cyril Kennedy AO was an Australian entertainer, comedian and variety performer, as well as a personality and star of radio, theatre, television and film. He often performed in the style of vaudevillian and radio comedy star Roy Rene and was often called "Gra Gra". Honoured as an officer of the Order of Australia, he was a six-time recipient of the Gold Logie, including the Logie Hall of Fame award, and won the Star of the Year Award in 1959. He is the most awarded star of Australian television. He was often referred to as "The King" or the "King of Australian television". He was best known for his collaborations with Australian entertainer Bert Newton and American-born television personality Don Lane.

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Anthony Provenzano

First Name Anthony
Last Name Provenzano
Born on May 17, 1917
Died on December 12, 1988 (aged 71)

Anthony Provenzano, also known as Tony Pro, was a caporegime of the Genovese crime family New Jersey faction. Provenzano was known for his associations with Teamsters Union director Jimmy Hoffa due to Provenzano's job as an International Brotherhood of Teamsters president for Local 560 in Union City, New Jersey.

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