List of Famous people named Vivian

Similar names: Viviane, Vivianne, Vyvyan, Vivaan, Viviana, Viviano, Viviann. Here are some famous Vivians:

Vivian Liberto

First Name Vivian
Last Name Liberto
Born on April 23, 1934
Died on May 24, 2005 (aged 71)

Vivian Liberto Cash Distin was an American homemaker, author, and the first wife of singer Johnny Cash.

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Vivian Sung

First Name Vivian
Last Name Sung
Born on October 21, 1992 (age 32)
Born in Taiwan

Vivian Sung Yun-hua is a Taiwanese actress. She is best known for the films Café. Waiting. Love (2014) and Our Times (2015), as well as the television series Lost Romance (2020). She was nominated for the Best Actress award at the 52nd Golden Horse Awards for her role as Lin Zhen-Xin in Our Times.

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Vivian Hsu

First Name Vivian
Last Name Hsu
Born on March 19, 1975 (age 49)
Born in Taiwan

Vivian Hsu is a Taiwanese singer and actress.

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Vivian Balakrishnan

First Name Vivian
Last Name Balakrishnan
Born on January 25, 1961 (age 63)

Vivian Balakrishnan is a Singaporean politician. A member of the governing People's Action Party, he was appointed as Minister for Foreign Affairs by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. He was elected as the People's Action Party Central Executive Committee member.

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Vivian Nixon

First Name Vivian
Last Name Nixon
Born on May 30, 1984 (age 40)

Vivian Nichole Nixon is an American dancer and actress, the daughter of Debbie Allen and former NBA star Norm Nixon.

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Vivian Maier

First Name Vivian
Last Name Maier
Born on February 1, 1926
Died on April 21, 2009 (aged 83)

Vivian Dorothy Maier was an American street photographer whose work was discovered and recognized after her death. She worked for about 40 years as a nanny, mostly in Chicago's North Shore, while pursuing photography. She took more than 150,000 photographs during her lifetime, primarily of the people and architecture of Chicago, New York City, and Los Angeles, although she also traveled and photographed worldwide.

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Vivian Vance

First Name Vivian
Last Name Vance
Born on July 26, 1909
Died on August 17, 1979 (aged 70)

Vivian Vance was an American actress and singer, who is known for her role as Ethel Mertz on the American television sitcom I Love Lucy (1951–1957), for which she won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in 1954, as well as receiving three other Emmy nominations. She also starred as Vivian Bagley on the sitcom The Lucy Show (1962–1968).

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Vivian Schmitt

First Name Vivian
Last Name Schmitt
Born on March 31, 1978 (age 46)
Height 173 cm | 5'8

Vivian Schmitt, formerly known as Anna B., is a German pornographic actress.

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Vivian Bang

First Name Vivian
Last Name Bang
Born on October 23, 1973 (age 51)
Born in South Korea

Vivian Bang is an American actress. She was a main cast member on television shows Sullivan & Son and Swedish Dicks. She had notable minor film roles as a bridal shower planner in Yes Man (2008) and the hippie girlfriend in Always Be My Maybe (2019).

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Vivian Chow

First Name Vivian
Last Name Chow
Born on November 10, 1967 (age 56)

Vivian Chow Wai-man is a Hong Kong-based Cantopop singer-songwriter and actress.

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