List of Famous people named Yana

Name Yana is among the most common names in Russia. Similar names: Anne, Anna, Ann, Ian, Annie, Ana, Yann, Yan, Ahn, Anni, Anny, Anya, An, Ania, Ani, Ane, Ayana, Any, Yane, Yaani, Ayanna, Ahna, Yani, Ahney, Ayane, Iani, Anno, Iana, Ayan, Anay, Annia, Ayano. Here are some famous Yanas:

Yana Troyanova

First Name Yana
Last Name Troyanova
Born on February 12, 1973 (age 51)

Yana Aleksandrovna Troyanova is a Russian theater and film actress, director. Her film credits include Zhit, Volchok and Kokoko. She directed the short film Ryadom.

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Yana Egorian

First Name Yana
Last Name Egorian
Born on December 20, 1993 (age 31)
Born in Armenia

Yana Karapetovna Egorian is a Russian sabre fencer. She won two gold medals at the 2016 Summer Olympics.

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Yana Kunitskaya

First Name Yana
Last Name Kunitskaya
Born on November 11, 1989 (age 35)

Yana Kunitskaya is a Russian mixed martial artist in the bantamweight division in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). As December 16, 2019, she is #8 in the UFC women's bantamweight rankings.

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Yana Kudryavtseva

First Name Yana
Last Name Kudryavtseva
Born on September 30, 1997 (age 27)
Born in Russia
Height 170 cm | 5'7

Yana Alexeyevna Kudryavtseva is a retired Russian individual rhythmic gymnast.

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Yana Churikova

First Name Yana
Last Name Churikova
Born on November 6, 1978 (age 46)
Born in Russia

Yana Alekseyevna Churikova is a Russian journalist and television host who worked on MTV Russia before moving to Channel One, where she hosted seven seasons of the Star Factory show. She has also gained publicity across Europe and the world for presenting the results of the Russian televote at the Eurovision Song Contest for several years. Churikova was to host the Eurovision Song Contest 2009, to be held in Moscow, Russia. However, her pregnancy was announced shortly afterwards and she instead hosted the allocation draw of the Eurovision countries and arranged Russian commentary to Channel One. Her daughter Taisa Lazareva was born on 26 May 2009, 10 days after the Eurovision final.

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Yana Morderger

First Name Yana
Last Name Morderger
Born on March 7, 1997 (age 27)
Born in Ukraine

Yana Morderger is a German tennis player.

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Yana Mulyana

First Name Yana
Last Name Mulyana
Born on February 17, 1965 (age 59)
Born in Indonesia, West Java

H. Yana Mulyana, S.E. is an entrepreneur, businessman, and politician who is the current Vice Mayor of Bandung period 2018–2023, accompanying the Mayor of Bandung, Oded Muhammad Danial.

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Yana Zinkevych

First Name Yana
Last Name Zinkevych
Born on July 2, 1995 (age 29)

Yana Vadimyvna Zinkevych is a Ukrainian member of parliament and military veteran who is since the 2019 Ukrainian parliamentary election serving as a representative of the European Solidarity party in the 9th convocation of the Verhovna Rada. She was placed 7th on the party's election list.

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Yana Sizikova

First Name Yana
Last Name Sizikova
Born on November 12, 1994 (age 30)
Born in Russia

Yana Dmitriyevna Sizikova is a Russian tennis player.

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Yana Klochkova

First Name Yana
Last Name Klochkova
Born on August 7, 1982 (age 42)
Height 182 cm | 6'0

Yana Oleksandrivna Klochkova is a Ukrainian swimmer, who has won five Olympic medals in her career, with four of them being gold. She is Merited Master of Sports (1998), Hero of Ukraine (2004) and the most awarded Olympian from Ukraine.

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