List of Famous people with last name Mccain

John McCain

John Sidney McCain III
First Name John
Last Name McCain
Born on August 29, 1936
Died on August 25, 2018 (aged 81)
Height 175 cm | 5'9

John Sidney McCain III was an American statesman and United States Navy officer who served as a United States Senator for Arizona from 1987 until his death in 2018. He previously served two terms in the United States House of Representatives and was the Republican nominee for president of the United States in the 2008 election, which he lost to Barack Obama.

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Meghan McCain

Meghan Marguerite McCain
First Name Meghan
Born on October 23, 1984 (age 40)
Height 154 cm | 5'1

Meghan Marguerite McCain is an American columnist, author, and television personality. She has worked for ABC News, Fox News, and MSNBC.

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Cindy McCain

Cindy Lou Hensley
First Name Cindy
Last Name McCain
Born on May 20, 1954 (age 70)

Cindy Lou McCain is an American businesswoman, philanthropist, and humanitarian. She is the widow of United States Senator and 2008 Republican presidential nominee John McCain from Arizona and the mother of television host and commentator Meghan McCain.

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Carol McCain

First Name Carol
Last Name McCain
Born on February 19, 1938 (age 86)

Carol Shepp McCain is a former political aide and event planner who was director of the White House Visitors Office during the Reagan administration. She was the first wife of United States Senator John McCain.

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Roberta McCain

Roberta Wright
First Name Roberta
Born on February 7, 1912
Died on October 12, 2020 (aged 108)

Roberta Wright McCain was an American socialite and oil heiress. She was the wife of U.S. Naval Admiral John S. McCain Jr., and the mother of politician John S. McCain III and stage actor and journalist Joe McCain. McCain was active in the Navy Wives Clubs and her Capitol Hill home was a popular salon for lawmakers and politicians. In 2007 and 2008, she actively campaigned in support of her son John during his presidential bid.

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John S. McCain

First Name John
Last Name McCain
Born on August 9, 1884
Died on September 6, 1945 (aged 61)

John Sidney "Slew" McCain was a U.S. Navy admiral and the patriarch of the McCain military family. He held several command assignments during the Pacific campaign of World War II. McCain was a pioneer of aircraft carrier operations. Serving in the Pacific Ocean theater of World War II, in 1942 he commanded all land-based air operations in support of the Guadalcanal campaign, and in 1944–45 he aggressively led the Fast Carrier Task Force. His operations off the Philippines and Okinawa and air strikes against Formosa and the Japanese home islands caused tremendous destruction of Japanese naval and air forces in the closing period of the war. He died four days after the formal Japanese surrender ceremony.

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Joe McCain

First Name Joe
Last Name McCain
Born on April 26, 1942 (age 82)

Joseph Pinckney McCain II is an American stage actor, newspaper reporter, and brother of the late U.S. Senator and two-time presidential candidate John McCain.

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Edwin McCain

First Name Edwin
Last Name McCain
Born on January 20, 1970 (age 54)

Edwin Cole McCain is an American singer-songwriter and guitarist. His songs "I'll Be" (1998) and "I Could Not Ask for More" (1999) were radio top-40 hits in the U.S., and five of his albums have reached the Billboard 200. In all, McCain has released eleven albums, with his first two being released independently.

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Michael McCain

Michael Harrison McCain
First Name Michael
Last Name McCain
Born on November 13, 1951 (age 73)
Net Worth $1,000.0M

Michael Harrison McCain is a Canadian business executive, currently serving as the chief executive officer of Maple Leaf Foods. McCain formerly served as president and chief operating officer of the company until the end of 1998. He is one of the wealthiest people in Canada and is currently listed on Canadian Business Magazine’s 100 richest Canadians.

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Franklin McCain

First Name Franklin
Last Name McCain
Born on January 3, 1941
Died on January 9, 2014 (aged 73)

Franklin Eugene McCain was an American civil rights activist and member of the Greensboro Four. McCain, along with fellow North Carolina A&T State University students Ezell Blair Jr., Joseph McNeil and David Richmond, staged a sit-in protest at the Woolworth lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina, on February 1, 1960 after they were refused service due to the color of their skin. Their actions were credited with launching the Greensboro sit-ins, a massive protest across state lines involving mostly students who took a stand against discrimination in restaurants and stores by refusing to leave when service was denied to them. The sit-ins successfully brought about the reversal of Woolworth's policy of racial segregation in their southern stores, and increased national sentiment to the fight of African-Americans in the south.

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