List of Famous people who died at 81

Richard Nixon

Richard Milhous Nixon
First Name Richard
Last Name Nixon
Born on January 9, 1913
Died on April 22, 1994 (aged 81)
Height 179 cm | 5'10

Richard Milhous Nixon was the 37th president of the United States, serving from 1969 until 1974. A member of the Republican Party, Nixon previously served as the 36th vice president from 1953 to 1961, having risen to national prominence as a representative and senator from California. After five years in the White House that saw the conclusion to the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War, détente with the Soviet Union and China, and the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency, he became the only president to resign from the office, following the Watergate scandal.

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John McCain

John Sidney McCain III
First Name John
Last Name McCain
Born on August 29, 1936
Died on August 25, 2018 (aged 81)
Height 175 cm | 5'9

John Sidney McCain III was an American statesman and United States Navy officer who served as a United States Senator for Arizona from 1987 until his death in 2018. He previously served two terms in the United States House of Representatives and was the Republican nominee for president of the United States in the 2008 election, which he lost to Barack Obama.

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Kenny Rogers

Kenneth Donald Rogers
First Name Kenny
Last Name Rogers
Born on August 21, 1938
Died on March 20, 2020 (aged 81)
Height 179 cm | 5'10

Kenneth Ray Rogers was an American singer, songwriter, musician, actor, record producer, and entrepreneur. He was elected to the Country Music Hall of Fame in 2013. Rogers was particularly popular with country audiences but also charted more than 120 hit singles across various music genres, topping the country and pop album charts for more than 200 individual weeks in the United States alone. He sold more than 100 million records worldwide during his lifetime, making him one of the best-selling music artists of all time. His fame and career spanned multiple genres: jazz, folk, pop, rock, and country. He remade his career and was one of the most successful cross-over artists of all time.

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Enrique Rocha

Enrique Miguel Rocha Ruiz
First Name Enrique
Last Name Rocha
Born on January 5, 1940
Died on November 7, 2021 (aged 81)

Enrique Rocha was a Mexican actor. He made his debut in the film industry in the film Guadalajara en Verano directed by Julio Bracho in the last decade of the Golden Age of Mexican cinema.

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Charles Bronson

Charles Dennis Buchinsky
First Name Charles
Last Name Bronson
Born on November 3, 1921
Died on August 30, 2003 (aged 81)
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Charles Bronson was an American actor who was often cast in roles of police officers, gunfighters, or vigilantes in revenge-oriented plot lines. He had long-term collaborations with film directors Michael Winner and J. Lee Thompson and appeared in 15 films with his second wife, Jill Ireland.

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Ray Kroc

Raymond Albert Kroc
First Name Ray
Last Name Kroc
Born on October 5, 1902
Died on January 14, 1984 (aged 81)

Raymond Albert Kroc was an American businessman. He joined the California company McDonald's in 1954, after the McDonald brothers had franchised nine locations out from their original 1948 operation in San Bernardino. This set the stage for national expansion with the help of Kroc, eventually leading to a global franchise, making it the most successful fast food corporation in the world. Kroc was included in Time 100: The Most Important People of the Century, and amassed a multi-million dollar fortune during his lifetime. He owned the San Diego Padres baseball team from 1974 until his death in 1984.

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J. R. R. Tolkien

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
First Name J.
Last Name Tolkien
Born on January 3, 1892
Died on September 2, 1973 (aged 81)

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was an English writer, poet, philologist, and academic, best known as the author of the high fantasy works The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.

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Bette Davis

First Name Bette
Last Name Davis
Born on April 5, 1908
Died on October 6, 1989 (aged 81)
Height 157 cm | 5'2

Ruth Elizabeth "Bette" Davis was an American actress with a career spanning more than 50 years and 100 acting credits. She was noted for playing unsympathetic, sardonic characters, and was famous for her performances in a range of film genres, from contemporary crime melodramas to historical films, suspense horror, and occasional comedies, although her greater successes were in romantic dramas. A recipient of two Academy Awards, she was the first thespian to accrue ten nominations.

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Biju Patnaik

First Name Biju
Last Name Patnaik
Born on March 5, 1916
Died on April 17, 1997 (aged 81)
Born in India

Bijayananda Patnaik, popularly known as Biju Patnaik, was an Indian politician, aviator and businessman. As politician, he served twice as the Chief Minister of the State of Odisha.

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Mario Fortino Alfonso Moreno Reyes
Born on August 12, 1911
Died on April 20, 1993 (aged 81)
Born in Mexico

Fortino Mario Moreno y Reyes, known casually as Mario Moreno and professionally as Cantinflas, was a Mexican film actor, producer, and screenwriter. He is considered to have been the most accomplished Mexican comedian and is celebrated throughout Latin America and in Spain. His humor, loaded with Mexican linguistic features of intonation, vocabulary, and syntax, is beloved in all the Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America and in Spain and has given rise to a range of expressions including cantinflear, cantinflada, cantinflesco, and cantinflero.

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