Ray Kroc

Ray Kroc
Ray Kroc

Raymond Albert Kroc was an American businessman. He joined the California company McDonald's in 1954, after the McDonald brothers had franchised nine locations out from their original 1948 operation in San Bernardino. This set the stage for national expansion with the help of Kroc, eventually leading to a global franchise, making it the most successful fast food corporation in the world. Kroc was included in Time 100: The Most Important People of the Century, and amassed a multi-million dollar fortune during his lifetime. He owned the San Diego Padres baseball team from 1974 until his death in 1984.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Full Name
Raymond Albert Kroc
Date of Birth
October 5th, 1902
Birth Place
United States of America, Illinois
Date of Death
January 14th, 1984
Died Aged
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