List of Famous people born in Strasbourg, France

Arsène Wenger

Arsène Charles Ernest Wenger

Arsène Charles Ernest Wenger is a French former football manager and player. He is currently FIFA's Chief of Global Football Development. He was the manager of Arsenal from 1996 to 2018, where he was the longest-serving and most successful in the club's history. His contribution to English football through changes to scouting, players' training, and diet regimens revitalised Arsenal and aided the globalisation of the sport in the 21st century.

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M. Pokora

Matthieu Tota
First Name M.
Last Name Pokora
Born on September 26, 1985 (age 38)
Born in France, Grand Est

Matthieu Tota, commonly known as M. Pokora or Matt Pokora, is a French singer and songwriter. In 2016, he became a coach for The Voice Kids France and The Voice: la plus belle voix.

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Marcel Marceau

Marcel Mangel
First Name Marcel
Last Name Marceau
Born on March 22, 1923
Died on September 22, 2007 (aged 84)
Born in France, Grand Est

Marcel Marceau was a French actor and mime artist most famous for his stage persona, "Bip the Clown". He referred to mime as the "art of silence" and he performed professionally worldwide for over 60 years. As a Jewish youth, he lived in hiding and worked with the French Resistance during most of World War II, giving his first major performance to 3,000 troops after the liberation of Paris in August 1944. Following the war, he studied dramatic art and mime in Paris.

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Tomi Ungerer

First Name Tomi
Last Name Ungerer
Born on November 28, 1931
Died on February 8, 2019 (aged 87)
Born in France, Grand Est

Jean-Thomas "Tomi" Ungerer was an Alsatian artist and writer. He published over 140 books ranging from children's books to adult works and from the fantastic to the autobiographical. He was known for sharp social satire and witty aphorisms. Ungerer is also famous as a cartoonist and designer of political posters and film posters.

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René Beeh

First Name René
Last Name Beeh
Born on February 28, 1886
Died on January 23, 1922 (aged 35)
Born in France, Grand Est

René Beeh was a German draughtsman and painter from Alsace. He was held in high esteem by his contemporaries and called "the coming genius" by art historian Wilhelm Hausenstein, but with his having died prematurely, he has been mostly forgotten.

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Noah Klieger

First Name Noah
Last Name Klieger
Born on July 31, 1926
Died on December 13, 2018 (aged 92)
Born in France, Grand Est

Noah Klieger was an Israeli journalist and sports administrator. Klieger, a survivor of the Nazi concentration camps Auschwitz, Mittelbau-Dora and Ravensbruck, covered trials of Nazi criminals after the end of World War II, besides working as a sports journalist in Israel. He also was the president of the basketball club Maccabi Tel Aviv and chairman of the FIBA's media council. In 2010 he was awarded the FIBA Order of Merit, and in 2012 became a Chevalier of the Légion d'honneur. In 2015, Klieger was inducted into the FIBA Hall of Fame for his contributions.

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Étienne-Émile Baulieu

First Name Étienne-Émile
Born on December 12, 1926 (age 97)
Born in France, Grand Est

Étienne-Émile Baulieu is a French biochemist and endocrinologist who is best known for his research in the field of steroid hormones and their role in reproduction and aging.

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Étienne Draber

Étienne Jacques Augustin Louis Draber
First Name Étienne
Last Name Draber
Born on March 26, 1939
Died on January 11, 2021 (aged 81)
Born in France, Grand Est

Étienne Draber was a French actor.

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Étienne Roth

First Name Étienne
Last Name Roth
Born on June 5, 1922
Died on March 19, 2009 (aged 86)
Born in France, Grand Est

Étienne Georges Alfred Roth was a French nuclear chemist, son of Professor George Roth and Marguerite Neymarck.

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Charles-Adolphe Wurtz

First Name Charles-Adolphe
Born on November 26, 1817
Died on May 12, 1884 (aged 66)
Born in France, Grand Est

Charles Adolphe Wurtz was an Alsatian French chemist. He is best remembered for his decades-long advocacy for the atomic theory and for ideas about the structures of chemical compounds, against the skeptical opinions of chemists such as Marcellin Berthelot and Henri Étienne Sainte-Claire Deville. He is well known by organic chemists for the Wurtz reaction, to form carbon-carbon bonds by reacting alkyl halides with sodium, and for his discoveries of ethylamine, ethylene glycol, and the aldol reaction. Wurtz was also an influential writer and educator.

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