List of Famous people named Rene

Name Rene is among the most common names in Mexico. Similar names: Renee, Rina, Rena, Ren, Rino, Rein, Reni, Rin, Reina, Ryne, Reno, Reino, Renae, Rini, Renny, Renn, Reanne, Ryen, Renna, Reena, Riina, Rinoy, Rinia, Reine, Renea. Here are some famous Renes:

Rene Russo

Rene Marie Russo
First Name Rene
Last Name Russo
Born on February 17, 1954 (age 70)
Height 173 cm | 5'8

Rene Marie Russo is an American actress, producer, and model. Russo began her career as a fashion model in the 1970s, appearing on magazine covers such as Vogue and Cosmopolitan. She made her film debut in the 1989 comedy Major League, and rose to international prominence in a number of thrillers and action films throughout the 1990s, including Lethal Weapon 3 (1992), In the Line of Fire (1993), Outbreak (1995), Get Shorty (1995), Ransom (1996), Lethal Weapon 4 (1998), and The Thomas Crown Affair (1999).

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René Adler

First Name René
Last Name Adler
Born on January 15, 1985 (age 39)
Born in Germany, Saxony
Height 191 cm | 6'3

René Adler is a retired German footballer who played as a goalkeeper.

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René Magritte

First Name René
Last Name Magritte
Born on November 21, 1898
Died on August 15, 1967 (aged 68)
Born in Belgium, Wallonia

René François Ghislain Magritte was a Belgian surrealist artist. He became well known for creating a number of witty and thought-provoking images. Often depicting ordinary objects in an unusual context, his work is known for challenging observers' preconditioned perceptions of reality. His imagery has influenced pop art, minimalist art and conceptual art.

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René Simard

First Name René
Last Name Simard
Born on February 28, 1961 (age 63)
Born in Canada, Quebec

René Claude Simard,, is a pop singer from Quebec. He is the older brother of Nathalie Simard.

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René Benko

First Name René
Last Name Benko
Born on May 20, 1977 (age 47)
Born in Austria, Tyrol
Net Worth $5.6B

René Benko is an Austrian real estate, media and retail trade investor and founder of SIGNA Holding GmbH. SIGNA is considered Austria's largest privately held real estate conglomerate. With an estimated wealth of US$4.7 billion, he is currently one of the ten richest Austrians. In 2020 Forbes classified René Benko as the third richest Austrian and number 361 in the world.

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René Obermann

First Name René
Last Name Obermann
Born on March 5, 1963 (age 61)

René Obermann is a German businessman who currently serves as Co-Head of Warburg Pincus International LLC's European operations, and also serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Airbus SE since 16 April 2020. He was previously CEO of Deutsche Telekom AG.

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René Weiler

René Weiler is a Swiss football coach and former player.

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René Pape

First Name René
Last Name Pape
Born on September 4, 1964 (age 59)
Born in Germany, Saxony

René Pape is a German operatic bass.

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Rene Rancourt

First Name Rene
Last Name Rancourt
Born on August 4, 1939 (age 84)

Rene Rancourt is an American singer, who is best known for having performed the national Anthem(s) at home games of the National Hockey League's Boston Bruins for 42 years. Rancourt's final combined performance of both The Star-Spangled Banner and O Canada took place before Game 7 of the Bruins' Eastern Conference first round playoff series against the Toronto Maple Leafs on April 25, 2018. His final anthem performance, of the Star-Spangled Banner alone, took place on May 4, 2018 as Boston hosted Game 4 of the Eastern Conference second round series against the Tampa Bay Lightning.

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René Kollo

First Name René
Last Name Kollo
Born on November 20, 1937 (age 86)
Born in Germany

René Kollo is a German operatic tenor, especially known for his Wagnerian parts. In addition to Heldentenor roles, he performed in a wide variety of operas and operettas during his career. Kollo also made several operatic recordings.

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