Charles-Adolphe Wurtz

Charles-Adolphe Wurtz
Charles-Adolphe Wurtz

Charles Adolphe Wurtz was an Alsatian French chemist. He is best remembered for his decades-long advocacy for the atomic theory and for ideas about the structures of chemical compounds, against the skeptical opinions of chemists such as Marcellin Berthelot and Henri Étienne Sainte-Claire Deville. He is well known by organic chemists for the Wurtz reaction, to form carbon-carbon bonds by reacting alkyl halides with sodium, and for his discoveries of ethylamine, ethylene glycol, and the aldol reaction. Wurtz was also an influential writer and educator.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
November 26th, 1817
Birth Place
France, Grand Est
Date of Death
May 12nd, 1884
Died Aged
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