List of Famous people who died in 1922

Newton Knight

First Name Newton
Last Name Knight
Born on November 10, 1829
Died on February 16, 1922 (aged 92)

Newton Knight was an American farmer, soldier and Southern Unionist in Mississippi, best known as the leader of the Knight Company, a band of Confederate army deserters who resisted the Confederacy during the Civil War. Local legends tell of Knight and his men forming the "Free State of Jones" in the area in and around Jones County, Mississippi, at the height of the war. The nature and extent of the Knight Company's opposition to the Confederate government is disputed among historians. After the war, Knight joined the Republican Party and served in Mississippi's Reconstruction government as a deputy US Marshal.

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Nellie Bly

Elizabeth Jane Cochran
First Name Nellie
Born on May 5, 1864
Died on January 27, 1922 (aged 57)

Elizabeth Cochrane Seaman, better known by her pen name Nellie Bly, was an American journalist, industrialist, inventor, and charity worker who was widely known for her record-breaking trip around the world in 72 days, in emulation of Jules Verne's fictional character Phileas Fogg, and an exposé in which she worked undercover to report on a mental institution from within. She was a pioneer in her field and launched a new kind of investigative journalism.

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Ali Kemal

First Name Ali
Last Name Kemal
Born on January 1, 1867
Died on November 6, 1922 (aged 55)

Ali Kemal Bey was an Ottoman-born Turkish journalist, newspaper editor, poet and a liberal-leaning politician, who was for some three months Minister of the Interior in the government of Damat Ferid Pasha, the Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire. He was murdered by a mob during the Turkish War of Independence.

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Sarah Winchester

First Name Sarah
Last Name Winchester
Born on September 1, 1839
Died on September 5, 1922 (aged 83)

Sarah Lockwood Winchester was an American heiress who amassed great wealth after the death of her husband, William Wirt Winchester. Her inheritance from his estate included $20 million as well as a 50% holding in the Winchester Repeating Arms Company, which made her one of the wealthiest women in the world at the time. She is best known for using her vast fortune to continue construction on the Winchester mansion in San Jose, California, for 38 years. Popular legends, which began during her lifetime, held that she was convinced she was cursed, and the only way to alleviate it was to add on to her California home. Since her death, the sprawling Winchester Mystery House has become a popular tourist attraction, known for its staircases that lead to nowhere and its many winding corridors and doors leading to walls, or big falls.

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Bert Williams

First Name Bert
Last Name Williams
Born on November 12, 1874
Died on March 4, 1922 (aged 47)
Born in The Bahamas

Bert Williams was a Bahamian-born American entertainer, one of the pre-eminent entertainers of the Vaudeville era and one of the most popular comedians for all audiences of his time. He is credited as being the first black man to have the leading role in a film: Darktown Jubilee in 1914.

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Ernest Shackleton

First Name Ernest
Last Name Shackleton
Born on February 15, 1874
Died on January 5, 1922 (aged 47)

Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton was an Anglo-Irish Antarctic explorer who led three British expeditions to the Antarctic. He was one of the principal figures of the period known as the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration.

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Alexander Graham Bell

First Name Alexander
Last Name Bell
Born on March 3, 1847
Died on August 2, 1922 (aged 75)
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Alexander Graham Bell was a Scottish-born inventor, scientist, and engineer who is credited with inventing and patenting the first practical telephone. He also co-founded the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) in 1885.

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Variyan Kunnathu Kunjahammed Haji

First Name Variyan
Born on November 30, 1876
Died on January 20, 1922 (aged 45)

Chakkiparamban Variyankunnathu Kunjahammed Haji was an activist of Khilafat Movement who led the Malabar War against the British, which culminated in an attempt to establish an Republic State. He ran a parallel government, in open defiance of British rulers, for more than six months in most parts of the then Eranadu and Valluvanadu taluks. He seized control of a large area from the British rule and set up a parallel government against British in Malabar, named 'Malayala Rajyam' and now part of the Kerala State, India, with his long term mentor, friend Ali Musliyar.

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Michael Collins

First Name Michael
Last Name Collins
Born on October 16, 1890
Died on August 22, 1922 (aged 31)

Michael Collins was an Irish revolutionary, soldier, and politician who was a leading figure in the early-20th-century Irish struggle for independence. He was Chairman of the Provisional Government of the Irish Free State from January 1922 until his assassination in August 1922.

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Charles I of Austria

Karl Franz Josef Ludwig Hubert Georg Maria von Österreich
First Name Charles
Last Name Austria
Born on August 17, 1887
Died on April 1, 1922 (aged 34)

Charles I or Karl I was the last Emperor of Austria, the last King of Hungary, the last King of Croatia, last King of Bohemia, and the last monarch belonging to the House of Habsburg-Lorraine before the dissolution of Austria-Hungary. The son of Archduke Otto of Austria and Princess Maria Josepha of Saxony, Charles became heir presumptive of Emperor Franz Joseph after his uncle Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated in 1914. In 1911, he married Princess Zita of Bourbon-Parma.

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