List of Famous people with last name Austria

Maria Theresa of Austria

First Name Maria
Last Name Austria
Born on May 13, 1717
Died on November 29, 1780 (aged 63)

Maria Theresa Walburga Amalia Christina was the only female ruler of the Habsburg dominions, ruling from 1740 until her death in 1780. She was the sovereign of Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Bohemia, Transylvania, Mantua, Milan, Lodomeria and Galicia, the Austrian Netherlands, and Parma. By marriage, she was Duchess of Lorraine, Grand Duchess of Tuscany and Holy Roman Empress.

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Franz Joseph I of Austria

First Name Franz
Last Name Austria
Born on August 18, 1830
Died on November 21, 1916 (aged 86)
Born in Austria, Vienna

Franz Joseph I or Francis Joseph I was Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary, Croatia, and Bohemia, and monarch of other states of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, from 2 December 1848 until his death. From 1 May 1850 to 24 August 1866 he was also President of the German Confederation. He was the longest-reigning ruler of Austria and Hungary, as well as the sixth-longest-reigning monarch of any country in European history.

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Maria Leopoldina of Austria

First Name Maria
Last Name Austria
Born on January 22, 1797
Died on December 11, 1826 (aged 29)
Born in Austria

Dona Maria Leopoldina of Austria was Empress of Brazil as the wife of Emperor Dom Pedro I. She was Queen of Portugal during her husband's brief reign as King Dom Pedro IV.

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Charles I of Austria

Karl Franz Josef Ludwig Hubert Georg Maria von Österreich
First Name Charles
Last Name Austria
Born on August 17, 1887
Died on April 1, 1922 (aged 34)

Charles I or Karl I was the last Emperor of Austria, the last King of Hungary, the last King of Croatia, last King of Bohemia, and the last monarch belonging to the House of Habsburg-Lorraine before the dissolution of Austria-Hungary. The son of Archduke Otto of Austria and Princess Maria Josepha of Saxony, Charles became heir presumptive of Emperor Franz Joseph after his uncle Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated in 1914. In 1911, he married Princess Zita of Bourbon-Parma.

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Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria

First Name Rudolf,
Last Name Austria
Born on August 21, 1858
Died on January 30, 1889 (aged 30)

Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria, was the only son and third child of Emperor Franz Joseph I and Elisabeth of Bavaria. He was heir apparent to the Imperial throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire from birth. In 1889, he died in a suicide pact with his mistress, Mary Freiin von Vetsera, at the Mayerling hunting lodge. The ensuing scandal made international headlines. He was named after the first Habsburg King of Germany, Rudolf I, who reigned from 1273 to 1291.

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John of Austria

First Name John
Last Name Austria
Born on February 24, 1547
Died on October 1, 1578 (aged 31)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

John of Austria was an illegitimate son of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. He became a military leader in the service of his half-brother, King Philip II of Spain, and is best known for his role as the admiral of the Holy Alliance fleet at the Battle of Lepanto.

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Anne of Austria

Ana María Mauricia de Austria y Austria-Estiria
First Name Anne
Last Name Austria
Born on September 22, 1601
Died on January 20, 1666 (aged 64)

Anne of Austria, a Spanish princess and an Austrian archduchess of the House of Habsburg, was queen of France as the wife of Louis XIII, and powerful regent of France during the minority of her son, Louis XIV, from 1643 to 1651. During her regency, Cardinal Mazarin served as France's chief minister. Accounts of French court life of her era emphasize her difficult marital relations with her husband, her closeness to her son Louis XIV, and her disapproval of her son's marital infidelity to her niece and daughter-in-law Maria Theresa.

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Archduke Wilhelm of Austria

First Name Archduke
Born on February 10, 1895
Died on August 18, 1948 (aged 53)

Archduke Wilhelm Franz of Austria, later Wilhelm Franz von Habsburg-Lothringen, also known as Vasyl Vyshyvani, was an Austrian archduke, a colonel of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen, and a poet, a member of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine.

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Archduchess Marie Valerie of Austria

Marie Valerie Mathilde Amalie von Österreich
First Name Archduchess
Born on April 22, 1868
Died on September 6, 1924 (aged 56)
Born in Hungary, Budapest

Archduchess Marie Valerie of Austria was the third daughter and fourth and last child of Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria and Empress Elisabeth of Austria. Her given name was Marie Valerie Mathilde Amalie, but she was usually called Valerie.

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Eleanor of Austria

First Name Eleanor
Born on November 15, 1498
Died on February 18, 1558 (aged 59)

Eleanor of Austria, also called Eleanor of Castile, was born an Archduchess of Austria and Infanta of Castile from the House of Habsburg, and subsequently became Queen consort of Portugal (1518–1521) and of France (1530–1547). She also held the Duchy of Touraine (1547–1558) in dower. She is called "Leonor" in Spanish and Portuguese and "Eléonore" or "Aliénor" in French.

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