List of Famous people named Viggo

Here are some famous Viggos:

Viggo Mortensen

Viggo Peter Mortensen
First Name Viggo
Born on October 20, 1958 (age 66)
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Viggo Peter Mortensen Jr. is a Danish-American actor, author, musician, photographer, poet, and painter. Born in New York to a Danish father and American mother, he was a resident of Venezuela and Argentina during his childhood. He is the recipient of various accolades including a Screen Actors Guild Award and has been nominated for three Academy Awards, three BAFTA Awards, and four Golden Globe Awards.

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Viggo Widerøe

First Name Viggo
Born on August 13, 1904
Died on January 8, 2002 (aged 97)
Born in Norway

Viggo Widerøe was a Norwegian aviator and entrepreneur. He founded Widerøe's Flyveselskap, Norway's third largest airline, in 1934. The airline is still in operation today.

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Viggo Johansen

First Name Viggo
Born on January 3, 1851
Died on December 18, 1935 (aged 84)

Viggo Johansen was a Danish painter and active member of the group of Skagen Painters who met every summer in the north of Jutland. He was one of Denmark's most prominent painters in the 1890s.

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Viggo Wiehe

First Name Viggo
Born on December 23, 1874
Died on November 30, 1956 (aged 81)

Viggo Hjalmar Wiehe was a Danish stage and film actor whose career spanned over five decades.

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Viggo Kampmann

First Name Viggo
Born on July 21, 1910
Died on June 3, 1976 (aged 65)

Olfert Viggo Fischer Kampmann was the leader of the Danish Social Democrats and Prime Minister of Denmark from 19 February 1960 until 3 September 1962. His cabinet before the 1960 election was called the Cabinet of Viggo Kampmann I and the cabinet he formed after that election was called the Cabinet of Viggo Kampmann II. Before becoming Prime Minister he was Finance Minister from 30 September 1953 to 21 February 1960 in the Cabinet of Hans Hedtoft II and the Cabinet of H. C. Hansen I and II.

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Viggo Jensen

First Name Viggo
Born on June 22, 1874
Died on November 2, 1930 (aged 56)

Alexander Viggo Jensen was a Danish weightlifter, shooter, gymnast, and athlete. He was the first Danish Olympic champion, at the 1896 Summer Olympics in Athens.

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Viggo Dorph-Petersen

First Name Viggo
Born on February 9, 1851
Died on July 23, 1937 (aged 86)

Viggo Dorph-Petersen was a Danish architect He is best known for designing French chateaus including Château d'Aubiry.

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Viggo Larsen

First Name Viggo
Born on August 14, 1880
Died on January 6, 1957 (aged 76)

Viggo Larsen was a Danish film actor, director and producer from the early silent era to the 'talkies'. He appeared in 140 films between 1906 and 1942. He also directed 235 films between 1906 and 1921. He was born and died in Copenhagen, Denmark.

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Viggo Christiansen

First Name Viggo
Born on November 30, 1949 (age 75)
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Viggo Hasselsteen

First Name Viggo
Born on November 30, 1939 (age 85)
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