List of Famous people named Miquel

Miquel Iceta i Llorens

First Name Miquel
Last Name Llorens
Born on August 17, 1960 (age 63)
Born in Spain, Catalonia

Miquel Iceta Llorens is a Spanish politician and member of the Socialists' Party of Catalonia (PSC), currently serving as minister of Territorial Policy and Civil Service of the Spanish government and as first secretary of the PSC since 2014. He's one of the first openly gay politicians from Spain. He has been a member of the 6th to 12th terms of the Parliament of Catalonia. He also was member of the 6th Congress of Deputies, representing Barcelona.

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Miquel Olmo Forte

First Name Miquel
Last Name Forte
Born on January 20, 1966 (age 58)
Born in Spain, Catalonia

Miquel Olmo Forte is a Spanish retired footballer who played as a forward, and a current manager.

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Miquel Buch Moya

First Name Miquel
Last Name Moya
Born on August 3, 1975 (age 48)
Born in Spain, Catalonia

Miquel Buch i Moya is a Catalan politician, Minister of the Interior of the autonomous community between 2018 and 2020. He was previously mayor of Premià de Mar, a municipality in north-eastern Spain.

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Miquel Badia i Capell

First Name Miquel
Last Name Capell
Born on March 10, 1906
Died on April 28, 1936 (aged 30)
Born in Spain, Catalonia

Miquel Badia i Capell (1906–1936) was a prominent figure of radical Catalan separatism during the days of the Second Spanish Republic, member of Estat Català and the JEREC, Chief of Public Order of the Generalitat of Catalonia. He became known among his followers as Capità Collons.

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Miquel Soler

First Name Miquel
Last Name Soler
Born on March 16, 1965 (age 59)
Born in Spain, Catalonia
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Miquel Soler Sarasols is a Spanish retired footballer, and a manager.

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Miquel Roca

First Name Miquel
Last Name Roca
Born on April 20, 1940 (age 84)

Miquel Roca i Junyent is a Spanish lawyer and politician from Democratic Convergence of Catalonia. He is one of the Fathers of the Constitution in Spain.

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Miquel Sàmper Rodríguez

First Name Miquel
Last Name Rodríguez
Born on November 30, 1965 (age 58)
Born in Spain, Catalonia

Miquel Sàmper i Rodríguez is a Catalan lawyer and politician and since September 3, 2020, Minister of the Interior of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

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Miquel Barceló

First Name Miquel
Last Name Barceló
Born on January 8, 1957 (age 67)
Born in Spain

Miquel Barceló Artigues is a Spanish painter.

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Miquel Coll i Alentorn

First Name Miquel
Last Name Alentorn
Born on May 12, 1904
Died on December 15, 1990 (aged 86)
Born in Spain, Catalonia
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Miquel Asins Arbó

First Name Miquel
Last Name Arbó
Born on January 21, 1916
Died on October 26, 1996 (aged 80)
Born in Spain, Catalonia

Miquel Asins Arbó was a Spanish composer. He composed in a variety of genres but is particularly known for his popular songs in the Valencian music tradition and for the more than 70 sound tracks which he composed for Spanish films and television.

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