List of Famous people named Michaela

Name Michaela is among the most common names in Germany, Austria. Similar names: Michael, Michel, Michelle, Michele, Mikael, Mikel, Michiel, Mikkel, Mickael, Michela, Michaele, Micheal, Mychael, Mikaela, Miquel, Michaelle, Mychel, Michaelia, Makyla, Mikiel. Here are some famous Michaelas:

Michaela McManus

First Name Michaela
Born on May 20, 1983 (age 41)
Height 171 cm | 5'7

Michaela McManus is an American actress, known for her portrayals of Lindsey Strauss on One Tree Hill, A.D.A. Kim Greylek on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, and Grace Karn on the NBC drama Aquarius.

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Michaela Coel

Michaela-Moses Ewuraba O Boakye-Collinson
First Name Michaela
Height 160 cm | 5'3

Michaela Ewuraba Boakye-Collinson, known professionally as Michaela Coel, is a British actress, screenwriter, director, producer and singer. She is best known for creating and starring in the E4 sitcom Chewing Gum (2015–2017), for which she won the BAFTA Award for Best Female Comedy Performance; and the BBC One/HBO comedy-drama series I May Destroy You (2020).

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Michaela Schaffrath

Michaela Jänke
First Name Michaela
Born on December 6, 1970 (age 53)
Height 160 cm | 5'3

Michaela Schaffrath is a German television actress.

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Michaela Gerg-Leitner

First Name Michaela
Born on November 10, 1965 (age 58)

Michaela Gerg-Leitner is a retired German alpine skier.

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Michaela May

Gertraud Elisabeth Berta Franziska Mittermayr
First Name Michaela
Born on March 18, 1952 (age 72)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Michaela May is a German film and television actress.

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Michaela Conlin

First Name Michaela
Born on June 9, 1978 (age 46)
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Michaela Conlin is an American actress, best known for her role as Angela Montenegro on the Fox crime procedural comedy-drama Bones.

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Michaela Kirchgasser

First Name Michaela
Born on March 18, 1985 (age 39)
Born in Austria, Salzburg
Height 169 cm | 5'7

Michaela Kirchgasser is a retired Austrian alpine ski racer. She raced in the technical events of slalom and giant slalom, and also the combined.

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Michaela Strachan

First Name Michaela
Born on April 7, 1966 (age 58)
Height 164 cm | 5'5

Michaela Evelyn Ann Strachan is an English television presenter and singer.

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Michaela Blyde

First Name Michaela
Born on December 29, 1995 (age 28)

Michaela Blyde is a New Zealand rugby sevens player.

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Michaela Garecht

First Name Michaela
Born on January 24, 1979 (age 45)

Michaela Joy Garecht was nine-years-old when she was abducted in Hayward, California, in broad daylight at the corner of Mission Boulevard and Lafayette Avenue.

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