List of Famous people named Lincoln

Here are some famous Lincolns:

Lincoln Riley

First Name Lincoln
Last Name Riley
Born on September 5, 1983 (age 41)

Lincoln Michael Riley is an American football coach and former player. He is currently the head coach of the Oklahoma Sooners.

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Lincoln Chafee

Lincoln Davenport Chafee
First Name Lincoln
Last Name Chafee
Born on March 26, 1953 (age 71)

Lincoln Davenport Chafee is an American politician. He was mayor of Warwick from 1993 to 1999, a United States Senator from 1999 to 2007, and the 74th Governor of Rhode Island from 2011 to 2015. He was a member of the Democratic Party from 2013 to 2019; in June 2019, The Boston Globe reported that he had become a registered Libertarian, having previously been a Republican until 2007 and an independent and then a Democrat in the interim.

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Lincoln Ellsworth

First Name Lincoln
Last Name Ellsworth
Born on May 12, 1880
Died on May 26, 1951 (aged 71)

Lincoln Ellsworth was a polar explorer from the United States and a major benefactor of the American Museum of Natural History.

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Lincoln Corrêa dos Santos

First Name Lincoln
Last Name Santos
Born on December 16, 2000 (age 24)
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Lincoln Corrêa dos Santos, or simply Lincoln, is a Brazilian footballer who plays for Vissel Kobe as a Striker.

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Lincoln Palomeque

First Name Lincoln
Last Name Palomeque
Born on March 20, 1977 (age 47)

Lincoln Palomeque is a Colombian actor.

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Lincoln Kirstein

First Name Lincoln
Last Name Kirstein
Born on May 4, 1907
Died on January 5, 1996 (aged 88)

Lincoln Edward Kirstein was an American writer, impresario, art connoisseur, philanthropist, and cultural figure in New York City, noted especially as co-founder of the New York City Ballet. He developed and sustained the company with his organizing ability and fundraising for more than four decades, serving as the company's general director from 1946 to 1989. According to the New York Times, he was "an expert in many fields," organizing art exhibits and lecture tours in the same years.

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Lincoln Gordon

First Name Lincoln
Last Name Gordon
Born on September 10, 1913
Died on December 19, 2009 (aged 96)

Abraham Lincoln Gordon was the 9th President of the Johns Hopkins University (1967–71) and a United States Ambassador to Brazil (1961–66). Gordon had a career both in government and in academia, becoming a Professor of International Economic Relations at Harvard University in the 1950s, before turning his attention to foreign affairs. Gordon had a career in business after his resignation as president of the Johns Hopkins University, but remained active at institutions such as the Brookings Institution until his death. His full name was Abraham Lincoln Gordon, but he never used his first name.

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Lincoln Kilpatrick

First Name Lincoln
Last Name Kilpatrick
Born on February 12, 1932
Died on May 18, 2004 (aged 72)

Lincoln Kilpatrick was an American film, television, and stage actor.

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Lincoln Wolfenstein

First Name Lincoln
Last Name Wolfenstein
Born on February 10, 1923
Died on March 27, 2015 (aged 92)

Lincoln Wolfenstein was an American particle physicist who studied the weak interaction. Wolfenstein was born in 1923 and obtained his PhD in 1949 from the University of Chicago. He retired from Carnegie Mellon University in 2000 after being a faculty member for 52 years. Despite being retired, he continued to come into work nearly every day.

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Lincoln Maazel

First Name Lincoln
Last Name Maazel
Born on February 12, 1903
Died on September 15, 2009 (aged 106)

Lincoln Maazel was an American singer and actor of stage and screen.

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