List of Famous people born in Norte de Santander Department, Colombia

James Rodríguez

James David Rodríguez Rubio
First Name James
Last Name Rodríguez
Born on July 12, 1991 (age 33)
Height 181 cm | 5'11

James David Rodríguez Rubio, commonly known as James Rodríguez or James, is a Colombian professional footballer who plays as an attacking midfielder or winger for Premier League club Everton and the Colombia national team. He has been praised for his technique, vision and playmaking skills, and often referred as the successor to his compatriot Carlos Valderrama.

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Gregorio Pernía

First Name Gregorio
Last Name Pernía
Born on May 7, 1970 (age 54)

Gregorio Pernía is a Colombian actor of television.

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Endry Cardeño

First Name Endry
Born on May 17, 1976 (age 48)

Endry Cardeño is a transgender actress from Cúcuta, Colombia. Born in 1975, she has acted in several Colombian soap operas. Her most recent role was in the highly rated RCN TV telenovela, "Los Reyes". Endry also played the lead role in the 2009 Venezuelan film "Cheila, Una Casa Pa' Maita."

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Joao Rodríguez

Joao Leandro Rodríguez González
First Name Joao
Last Name Rodríguez
Born on May 19, 1996 (age 28)
Height 177 cm | 5'10

Joao Leandro Rodríguez González is a Colombian professional footballer who last played as a forward for Liga MX club Necaxa. He was the first Colombian to sign for Chelsea.

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María Camila Osorio Serrano

María Camila Osorio Serrano is a Colombian professional tennis player. She has been ranked as high as No. 33 in singles and No. 278 in doubles by the Women's Tennis Association (WTA). She has won one singles title on the WTA Tour and three singles titles on the ITF Women's Circuit.

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Jossimar el Calvo

Jossimar Orlando Calvo Moreno
First Name Jossimar
Born on July 22, 1994 (age 30)

Jossimar Orlando Calvo Moreno is a Colombian male artistic gymnast, part of the national team. At the 2015 Pan American Games he won three individual gold medals, becoming in the first Colombian to do so. He competed at the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. He was the first Colombian gymnast to qualify for an Olympic final, ranking tenth in the All-around event.

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Lincoln Palomeque

First Name Lincoln
Last Name Palomeque
Born on March 20, 1977 (age 47)

Lincoln Palomeque is a Colombian actor.

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Lionard Pajoy

Lionard Fernando Pajoy Ortiz is a Colombian striker who currently plays for Alianza Universidad.

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Gloria Pachón

First Name Gloria
Last Name Pachón
Born on October 29, 1936 (age 87)
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Héctor Epalza Quintero

First Name Héctor
Last Name Quintero
Born on June 14, 1940
Died on January 1, 2021 (aged 80)

Héctor Epalza Quintero P.S.S. was a Colombian Roman Catholic bishop.

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