List of Famous people named Gloria

Name Gloria is among the most common names in USA, Argentina, Spain. Similar names: Glory. Here are some famous Glorias:

Gloria Steinem

Gloria Marie Steinem
First Name Gloria
Last Name Steinem
Born on March 25, 1934 (age 90)

Gloria Marie Steinem is an American feminist journalist and social political activist who became nationally recognized as a leader and a spokeswoman for the American feminist movement in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

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Gloria Groove

Daniel Garcia Felicione Napoleão
First Name Gloria
Last Name Groove
Born on January 18, 1995 (age 29)
Born in Brazil, São Paulo

Daniel Garcia Felicione Napoleão, known professionally as Gloria Groove, is a Brazilian singer, rapper, songwriter, actor, voice actor, and drag queen. The artist started a career as a singer at 7 years by joining the group Turma do Balão Mágico. During the childhood, Groove starred in the RecordTV telenovela Savage and started to work as a voice actor. After a period working on theatre as a teenager, the artist adopted the persona "Gloria Groove" in 2014. Two years later, the drag queen got some prominence for appearing in the Rede Globo program Amor e Sexo.

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Gloria Trevi

Gloria de los Ángeles Treviño Ruiz
First Name Gloria
Last Name Trevi
Born on February 15, 1968 (age 56)
Born in Mexico, Nuevo León
Height 165 cm | 5'5

Gloria Trevi is a Mexican singer-songwriter, dancer, actress, television hostess, music video director and businesswoman known as "The Supreme Diva of Mexican Pop".

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Gloria Estefan

Gloria María Milagrosa Fajardo García
First Name Gloria
Last Name Estefan
Born on September 1, 1957 (age 66)
Height 157 cm | 5'2

Gloria Estefan is a Cuban-American singer, songwriter, actress and businesswoman. A contralto, she started her career as the lead singer in the group Miami Latin Boys, which later became known as Miami Sound Machine. She experienced worldwide success with "Conga" in 1985; this became Estefan's signature song and led to the Miami Sound Machine winning the grand prix in the 15th annual Tokyo Music Festival in 1986. In the middle of 1988, she and the band got their first number-one hit with the song "Anything for You".

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Gloria Carrá

First Name Gloria
Last Name Carrá
Born on June 15, 1971 (age 53)

Gloria Andrea Curra, better known as Gloria Carrá is an Argentine actress, singer and composer. She changed her real last name on the advice of the actor Darío Vittori.

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Gloria, Princess of Thurn and Taxis

First Name Gloria,
Last Name Taxis
Born on February 23, 1960 (age 64)

Gloria, Dowager Princess of Thurn and Taxis is a German socialite, businesswoman, philanthropist, Catholic activist, and artist. Through her marriage to Johannes, 11th Prince of Thurn and Taxis, she became the Princess Consort of Thurn und Taxis.

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Glória Maria

First Name Glória
Last Name Maria
Born on August 15, 1949 (age 74)

Glória Maria Matta da Silva is a Brazilian journalist, reporter and television host.

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Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt

First Name Gloria
Last Name Vanderbilt
Born on August 23, 1904
Died on February 13, 1965 (aged 60)

Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt was a Swiss-born American socialite best known as the mother of fashion designer and artist Gloria Vanderbilt and maternal grandmother of television journalist Anderson Cooper. She was a central figure in Vanderbilt vs. Whitney, one of the most sensational American custody trials in the 20th century. Her identical twin sister, Thelma, Viscountess Furness, was the mistress of the future Edward VIII.

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Gloria Allred

Gloria Rachel Bloom
First Name Gloria
Last Name Allred
Born on July 3, 1941 (age 83)

Gloria Rachel Allred is an American women's rights attorney known for taking high-profile and often controversial cases, particularly those involving the protection of women's rights. She has been inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame.

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Gloria Tang

First Name Gloria
Last Name Tang
Born on November 10, 1992 (age 31)

Gloria Tang Pui-yee is a Hong Kong Canadian actress and beauty pageant titleholder. Tang is the winner of Miss Chinese International Pageant 2013. She made her acting debut in the 2014 Hong Kong television series The Ultimate Addiction.

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