List of Famous people named Jean-pierre

Name Jean-pierre is among the most common names in France, Switzerland. Here are some famous Jean-pierres:

Jean-Pierre Pernaut

Jean-Pierre Alfred Xavier Pernaut
First Name Jean-Pierre
Last Name Pernaut
Born on April 8, 1950
Died on March 2, 2022 (aged 71)

Jean-Pierre Pernaut is a news reader and broadcaster on French television. He is widely known simply by his initials, JPP.

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Jean-Pierre Adams

Jean-Pierre Christian Adams
First Name Jean-Pierre
Last Name Adams
Born on March 10, 1948
Died on September 6, 2021 (aged 73)
Born in Senegal, Dakar
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Jean-Pierre Adams is a French former professional footballer who played as a centre back.

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Jean-Pierre Castaldi

First Name Jean-Pierre
Last Name Castaldi
Born on October 1, 1944 (age 80)

Jean-Pierre Castaldi is a French actor. He is the father of French TV presenter Benjamin Castaldi.

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Jean-Pierre Papin

Jean-Pierre Roger Guillaume Papin

Jean-Pierre Roger Guillaume Papin is a French football manager and former professional player who played as a forward. He was named the Ballon d'Or and IFFHS World's Top Goal Scorer of the Year in 1991. Papin is the manager of Championnat National 2 club C'Chartres Football.

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Jean-Pierre Bacri

First Name Jean-Pierre
Last Name Bacri
Born on May 24, 1951 (age 73)

Jean-Pierre Bacri was a French actor and screenwriter.

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Jean-Pierre Marielle

Jean-Pierre André Marielle
First Name Jean-Pierre
Last Name Marielle
Born on April 12, 1932
Died on April 24, 2019 (aged 87)

Jean-Pierre Marielle was a French actor. He appeared in more than a hundred films in which he played very diverse roles, from a banal citizen, to a serial killer, to a World War II hero, to a compromised spy, to a has-been actor, to his portrayal of Jacques Saunière in The Da Vinci Code. He was well known for his distinctive cavernous voice, which is often imitated by French humorists who considered him to be archetypical of the French gentleman.

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Jean-Pierre Raffarin

First Name Jean-Pierre
Last Name Raffarin
Born on August 3, 1948 (age 76)

Jean-Pierre Raffarin is a French politician who served as Prime Minister of France from 6 May 2002 to 31 May 2005.

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Jean-Pierre Cassel

Jean-Pierre Crochon
First Name Jean-Pierre
Last Name Cassel
Born on October 27, 1932
Died on April 19, 2007 (aged 74)

Jean-Pierre Cassel was a French actor.

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Jean-Pierre Foucault

First Name Jean-Pierre
Last Name Foucault

Jean-Pierre Foucault is a French television and radio host. He was born in Marseille, his mother was Jewish. He was the host of Qui Veut Gagner des Millions ?, the French version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, and the host of Zone Rouge, the French version of The Chair. He has been hosting the Miss France pageant since 1996 and hosted Miss Europe 2006 pageant.

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Jean-Pierre Darroussin

First Name Jean-Pierre
Last Name Darroussin
Born on December 4, 1953 (age 71)

Jean-Pierre Darroussin is a French actor and filmmaker. He was born in Courbevoie, France. His films include the 2004 thriller Red Lights.

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