List of Famous people named Isabel

Name Isabel is among the most common names in Spain, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Portugal. Similar names: Isabella, Isabelle, Isabell, Izabella, Izabela, Isabela, Izabel, Ysabel, Izabell. Here are some famous Isabels:

Isabel Díaz Ayuso

Isabel Natividad Díaz Ayuso
First Name Isabel
Last Name Ayuso
Born on October 17, 1978 (age 45)

Isabel Díaz Ayuso is a Spanish politician who serves as the President of the Community of Madrid. A member of the People's Party (PP), and the Vice-Secretary of Communication and Spokeswoman of the party's Madrilenian branch, she was the regional candidate for President of the Community of Madrid ahead of the 2019 Madrilenian regional election. Although her party lost the regional elections for the first time since May 1991, she was later elected President by the Assembly of Madrid. Her administration represented several firsts: it was the first time that the region was run by a coalition government—formed by Ayuso's own conservative People's Party (PP) and Citizens—and it was the first time that the far right, represented by Vox, props up a regional executive in Madrid.

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Isabel May

First Name Isabel
Last Name May
Born on November 21, 2000 (age 23)
Height 174 cm | 5'9

Isabel May is an American actress. She starred as Katie Cooper on the Netflix series Alexa & Katie and has a recurring role as Veronica Duncan on the CBS series Young Sheldon.

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Isabel Preysler

María Isabel Arrastia Preysler
First Name Isabel
Last Name Preysler
Born on February 18, 1951 (age 73)

María Isabel Preysler Arrastía is a Filipina socialite and television host. She is the mother of singers Enrique Iglesias, Julio Iglesias Jr., and journalist Chabeli Iglesias.

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Isabel Pantoja

María Isabel Pantoja Martín
First Name Isabel
Last Name Pantoja
Born on August 2, 1956 (age 67)
Born in Spain, Andalusia

María Isabel Pantoja Martín is a Spanish singer. She was born in the Triana district of Seville, Spain. She has released more than a dozen albums throughout a career spanning many decades, mostly of copla genre, and is known for her distinctive Andalusian style.

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Isabel Varell

First Name Isabel
Last Name Varell
Born on July 31, 1961 (age 62)

Isabel Varell is a German singer, lyricist, actress and TV presenter.

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Isabel Schnabel

Isabel Gödde
First Name Isabel
Last Name Schnabel
Born on August 9, 1971 (age 52)

Isabel Schnabel is a German economist who currently serves as executive board member of the European Central Bank.

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Isabel dos Santos

Isabel Kukanova dos Santos
First Name Isabel
Last Name Santos
Born on April 20, 1973 (age 51)
Born in Azerbaijan
Net Worth $1.4B

Isabel dos Santos is an Angolan businesswoman, Africa's richest woman (2013-2020) and the eldest child of Angola's former President José Eduardo dos Santos, who ruled the country from 1979 to 2017. In 2013, according to Forbes, her net worth had exceeded US$2 billion making her Africa's first female US dollar billionaire. Forbes described how dos Santos acquired her wealth by taking stakes in companies doing business in Angola, suggesting that her wealth comes almost entirely from her family's power and connections. In November 2015, the BBC named dos Santos as one of the 100 most influential women in the world.

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Isabel Oakeshott

First Name Isabel
Last Name Oakeshott
Born on June 12, 1974 (age 50)

Isabel Euphemia Oakeshott is a British political journalist and broadcaster.

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Isabel Allende

First Name Isabel
Last Name Allende
Born on August 2, 1942 (age 81)

Isabel Angélica Allende Llona is a Chilean writer. Allende, whose works sometimes contain aspects of the genre magical realism, is known for novels such as The House of the Spirits and City of the Beasts, which have been commercially highly successful. Allende has been called "the world's most widely read Spanish-language author." In 2004, Allende was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Letters, and in 2010, she received Chile's National Literature Prize. President Barack Obama awarded her the 2014 Presidential Medal of Freedom.

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Isabel Edvardsson

Isabel Emilia Edvardsson
First Name Isabel
Last Name Edvardsson
Born on June 22, 1982 (age 42)

Isabel Emilia Edvardsson is a Swedish dancer.

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