List of Famous people with last name Allende

Salvador Allende

First Name Salvador
Last Name Allende
Died on September 11, 1973 (aged 3)

Salvador Guillermo Allende Gossens was a Chilean physician and socialist politician, who served as the 28th president of Chile from 3 November 1970 until his death on 11 September 1973. He was the first Marxist to be elected president in a liberal democracy in Latin America.

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Ignacio Allende

First Name Ignacio
Last Name Allende
Born on January 21, 1769
Died on June 26, 1811 (aged 42)
Born in Mexico, Guanajuato

Ignacio José de Allende y Unzaga, born Ignacio Allende y Unzaga, was a captain of the Spanish Army in Mexico who came to sympathize with the Mexican independence movement. He attended the secret meetings organized by Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez, where the possibility of an independent New Spain was discussed. He fought along with Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla in the first stage of the struggle, eventually succeeding him in leadership of the rebellion. Allende was captured by Spanish colonial authorities while he was in Coahuila and executed for treason in Chihuahua.

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Isabel Allende

First Name Isabel
Last Name Allende
Born on August 2, 1942 (age 81)

Isabel Angélica Allende Llona is a Chilean writer. Allende, whose works sometimes contain aspects of the genre magical realism, is known for novels such as The House of the Spirits and City of the Beasts, which have been commercially highly successful. Allende has been called "the world's most widely read Spanish-language author." In 2004, Allende was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Letters, and in 2010, she received Chile's National Literature Prize. President Barack Obama awarded her the 2014 Presidential Medal of Freedom.

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Damian de Allende

First Name Damian
Last Name Allende
Born on November 25, 1991 (age 32)
Height 189 cm | 6'2

Damian de Allende is a South African professional rugby union player who currently plays for the South Africa national team and Irish province Munster in the Pro14. His usual position is either centre or wing, He was a member of the winning Springboks in the 2019 Rugby World Cup in Japan.

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Paula Frías Allende

First Name Paula
Last Name Allende
Born on October 22, 1963
Died on December 6, 1992 (aged 29)

Paula Frías Allende was the daughter of Chilean-American author, Isabel Allende Llona. Her grandfather was first cousin to Salvador Allende, President of Chile from 1970 to 1973.

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Marcelo Allende

First Name Marcelo
Last Name Allende
Born on April 7, 1999 (age 25)

Marcelo Iván Allende Bravo is a Chilean footballer who plays as an attacking midfielder for Torque and Chile's national U-20 team. Allende captained Chile at the 2015 FIFA U-17 World Cup and was the team's top goalscorer and is considered one of the top youth prospects in Chilean football.

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Fernando Allende

First Name Fernando
Last Name Allende
Born on November 10, 1952 (age 71)
Born in Mexico

Luis Fernando Allende Arenas is a Mexican singer, actor, painter, film producer, and film director.

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María Isabel Allende

First Name María
Last Name Allende
Born on January 18, 1945 (age 79)

María Isabel Allende Bussi is a Chilean politician.

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Laura Allende

First Name Laura
Last Name Allende
Born on September 3, 1911
Died on May 23, 1981 (aged 69)

Laura Allende Gossens was a Chilean politician, a member of the lower chamber of parliament and sister of former president of Chile Salvador Allende.

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Andrés Pascal Allende

First Name Andrés
Last Name Allende
Born on July 12, 1943 (age 81)

Andrés Pascal Allende is a Chilean Marxist dissident and nephew of former President Salvador Allende. He is of Basque and Belgian descent.

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