List of Famous people named Denny

Similar names: Dean, Dino, Dina, Dinah, Deanna, Deana, Deanne, Dennie, Deane, Din, Deen, Den, Deano, Deanie, Deni, Denia. Here are some famous Dennys:

Denny Hamlin

James Dennis Alan "Denny" Hamlin is an American professional stock car racing driver. He competes full-time in the NASCAR Cup Series, driving the No. 11 Toyota Camry and part-time in the NASCAR Xfinity Series, driving the No. 54 Toyota Supra, both for Joe Gibbs Racing. He has won 44 NASCAR Cup Series races, including the Daytona 500 in 2016, 2019, and 2020. In 2020, he became the fourth person to win the race in back-to-back seasons, joining Richard Petty, Cale Yarborough, and Sterling Marlin.

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Denny Sumargo

First Name Denny
Last Name Sumargo
Born on October 11, 1981 (age 42)

Denny Sumargo is a former basketball player for Indonesia's basketball national team, actor, model and TV Host. Living in Jakarta, Indonesia, he was known for his speed and powerful slam dunk. He played as a guard.

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Denny Tamaki

First Name Denny
Last Name Tamaki
Born on October 13, 1959 (age 64)

Denny Tamaki is a Japanese politician and the current Governor of Okinawa Prefecture since August 2018.

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Denny Wahyudi

First Name Denny
Last Name Wahyudi
Born on August 29, 1977 (age 46)
Born in Indonesia, West Java

Denny Wahyudi, commonly known as Denny Cagur, is an Indonesian actor, comedian. and presenter. He first came into the public eye in 1997 as a member of the comedy group The Cagur Band, with Wendy Armoko and Narji.

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Denny Laine

Brian Frederick Hines
First Name Denny
Last Name Laine
Born on October 29, 1944 (age 79)

Denny Laine is an English musician, singer, and songwriter, known as a founder of two major British rock bands: The Moody Blues, with whom he played from 1964-66, and Paul McCartney and Wings, with whom he played from 1971-81. Laine has worked with a variety of artists and groups over a six decade career, and continues to record and perform as a solo artist. In 2018, Laine was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of the Moody Blues.

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Denny Januar Ali

First Name Denny
Last Name Ali
Born on January 4, 1963 (age 61)

Denny Januar Ali, known as Denny JA is an intellectual entrepreneur and best-selling author. He holds records in the academic, political, social media, literature and cultural worlds in Indonesia.

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Denny Morrison

First Name Denny
Last Name Morrison
Born on September 8, 1985 (age 38)
Height 184 cm | 6'0

Denny Morrison is a Canadian speedskater from Fort St. John, British Columbia. He is an Olympic champion as a member of Canada's men's team pursuit, an event which he also won silver in at the 2006 Winter Olympics. Morrison won his first individual Olympic medal in Sochi when he won a silver in the men's 1000 m after teammate Gilmore Junio selflessly gave up his spot in order for Morrison, who fell at the national qualification event, failed to originally qualify. He won a second individual medal at those games, a bronze in the 1500 m. With four total Olympic medals, Morrison shares the record for the most medals of any Canadian male long track speed skaters along with Gaétan Boucher.

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Denny Kantono

First Name Denny
Last Name Kantono
Born on January 12, 1970 (age 54)

Denny Kantono is a retired Chinese-Indonesian badminton player who specialized in men's doubles. He shared numerous international titles with his regular partner Antonius Ariantho including the French (1993), Hong Kong (1993), Denmark (1994), Thailand (1994), Chinese Taipei, and Indonesia (1996) Opens; as well as the Badminton World Cup (1996) and World Badminton Grand Prix (1998) events. They were runners-up at the prestigious All-England Championships in 1995 and bronze medalists at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta.

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Denny Zeitlin

First Name Denny
Last Name Zeitlin
Born on April 10, 1938 (age 86)

Denny Zeitlin is an American jazz pianist, composer, and clinical professor of psychiatry at University of California, San Francisco. Since 1963, he has recorded more than 100 compositions and was a first-place winner in the Down Beat International Jazz Critics' Poll in 1965 and 1974. He composed the soundtrack for the 1978 science-fiction horror film Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

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Denny Weller

First Name Denny
Last Name Weller
Born on October 24, 1989 (age 34)
Born in Indonesia
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