List of Famous people named Deana

Similar names: Dean, Dino, Dina, Denny, Dinah, Deanna, Deanne, Dennie, Deane, Din, Deen, Den, Deano, Deanie, Deni, Denia. Here are some famous Deanas:

Deana Martin

First Name Deana
Born on August 19, 1948 (age 75)

Deana Martin is an American singer and actress. She is the daughter of singer Dean Martin.

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Deana Carter

First Name Deana
Born on January 4, 1966 (age 58)

Deana Kay Carter is an American country music singer-songwriter who broke through in 1996 with the release of her debut album Did I Shave My Legs for This?, which was certified 5× Multi-Platinum in the United States for sales of over 5 million. It was followed by 1998's Everything's Gonna Be Alright, 2003's I'm Just a Girl, 2005's The Story of My Life, and 2007's The Chain. Overall, Carter's albums have accounted for 14 singles, including three which reached Number One on the Billboard country charts: "Strawberry Wine", "We Danced Anyway", and "How Do I Get There".

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