List of Famous people named Deanie

Similar names: Dean, Dino, Dina, Denny, Dinah, Deanna, Deana, Deanne, Dennie, Deane, Din, Deen, Den, Deano, Deni, Denia. Here are some famous Deanies:

Deanie Ip

First Name Deanie
Born on December 25, 1947 (age 76)

Deanie Ip is a Hong Kong singer and actress. She has won the Hong Kong Film Awards once for Best Actress and three times for Best Supporting Actress. Deanie also won the Golden Horse Awards once for Best Leading Actress and twice for Best Supporting Actress ; she also won a Coppa Volpi for the Best Actress at the 68th Venice International Film Festival. Her Cantopop albums were released by Universal Music Group and several local labels. A Hakka of Huiyang ancestry, she speaks Cantonese, Dapeng dialect, Mandarin and English.

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