List of Famous people named Delphine

Name Delphine is among the most common names in France. Similar names: Delfine, Delphin. Here are some famous Delphines:

Delphine Wespiser

First Name Delphine
Last Name Wespiser
Born on January 3, 1992 (age 32)
Born in France, Grand Est
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Delphine Wespiser is a French model, television presenter and politician. She is a beauty pageant titleholder who was elected Miss Haut-Rhin 2011, Miss Alsace 2011 and Miss France 2012.

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Delphine Seyrig

Delphine Claire Beltiane Seyrig
First Name Delphine
Last Name Seyrig
Born on April 10, 1932
Died on October 15, 1990 (aged 58)

Delphine Claire Beltiane Seyrig was a Lebanese-born French actress and film director.

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Delphine Batho

First Name Delphine
Last Name Batho
Born on March 23, 1973 (age 51)

Delphine Batho is a French politician, member of the National Assembly and former Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy.

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Delphine Arnault

First Name Delphine
Last Name Arnault
Born on April 4, 1975 (age 49)

Delphine Arnault is a French businesswoman, director and executive vice president of Louis Vuitton.

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Delphine Cascarino

First Name Delphine
Last Name Cascarino
Born on February 5, 1997 (age 27)
Height 164 cm | 5'5

Delphine Cascarino is a French women's association football player from Saint-Priest, Rhône. She currently plays for Olympique Lyonnais and the France women's national football team as a midfielder.

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Delphine de Vigan

First Name Delphine
Last Name Vigan
Born on March 1, 1966 (age 58)

Delphine de Vigan is a French novelist.

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Delphine Serina

Delphine Hélène Dominique Serina
First Name Delphine
Last Name Serina
Died on April 19, 2020 (aged 50)

Delphine Serina was a French actress.

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Delphine LaLaurie

First Name Delphine
Last Name LaLaurie
Born on March 19, 1787
Died on December 7, 1849 (aged 62)

Marie Delphine Macarty or MacCarthy, more commonly known as Madame Blanque or, after her third marriage, as Madame LaLaurie, was a New Orleans Creole socialite and serial killer who tortured and murdered slaves in her household.

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Princess Delphine of Belgium

Delphine Michèle Anne Marie Ghislaine Boël
First Name Princess
Last Name Belgium
Born on February 22, 1968 (age 56)

Princess Delphine of Belgium, known previously as Jonkvrouw Delphine Boël, is a Belgian artist and member of the Belgian royal family. She is the daughter of King Albert II of Belgium with Baroness Sybille de Selys Longchamps, and the half-sister of King Philippe of Belgium. Before 1 October 2020, she belonged to the Belgian titled nobility and was legally Jonkvrouw Boël. On that date, she was lawfully recognised as Princess of Belgium with the style "Her Royal Highness".

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Delphine Ernotte

Delphine Nicole Danièle Cunci
First Name Delphine
Last Name Ernotte
Born on July 28, 1966 (age 57)

Delphine Ernotte is a French telecommunications and media executive. She is the chief executive officer of France Télévisions, and a former executive at Orange S.A.

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