List of Famous people with last name Arnault

Bernard Arnault

Bernard Jean Étienne Arnault
First Name Bernard
Last Name Arnault
Born on March 5, 1949 (age 75)

Bernard Jean Étienne Arnault is a French billionaire businessman and art collector. He is the chairman and chief executive of LVMH Moët Hennessy – Louis Vuitton SE, the world's largest luxury-goods company. In April 2018, he became the richest person in fashion, topping Zara's Amancio Ortega. Arnault briefly surpassed Jeff Bezos to become the richest person in the world in December 2019. He again became the world's richest person for a short time in January 2020.

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Antoine Arnault

First Name Antoine
Last Name Arnault
Born on June 4, 1977 (age 47)

Antoine Arnault is a French businessman; the CEO of Berluti, and chairman of Loro Piana.

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Delphine Arnault

First Name Delphine
Last Name Arnault
Born on April 4, 1975 (age 49)

Delphine Arnault is a French businesswoman, director and executive vice president of Louis Vuitton.

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Jean-Claude Arnault

First Name Jean-Claude
Born on August 15, 1946 (age 77)

Jean-Claude Arnault, known in Swedish media as "kulturprofilen", is a French-Swedish convicted sex offender and former photographer. He is an inmate in Tillberga Prison and was formerly incarcerated in Skogome Prison, a prison for sex offenders.

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Alexandre Arnault

First Name Alexandre
Last Name Arnault
Born on May 5, 1992 (age 32)
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