List of Famous people with last name Usman

Kamaru Usman

First Name Kamaru
Last Name Usman
Born on May 11, 1987 (age 37)
Born in Nigeria, Edo State
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Kamarudeen Usman is a Nigerian-American professional mixed martial artist. He currently competes in the Welterweight division for the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). He is the current UFC Welterweight Champion. Usman is also The Ultimate Fighter 21 tournament winner. As of July 14, 2020, he is #5 in the UFC men's pound-for-pound rankings

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Anwar Usman

First Name Anwar
Last Name Usman
Born on December 31, 1956 (age 67)

Anwar Usman is the sixth Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of Indonesia. He was elected to the position on 2 April 2018, replacing Arief Hidayat. He previously served as the fifth Deputy Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of Indonesia. Usman served on the Constitutional Court for four years prior to his confirmation as Deputy Chief Justice. Before replacing Arsyad Sanusi as a sitting justice on the court in April 2011, Usman was a high court judge in Jakarta as well as the manager of human resources at the Supreme Court of Indonesia.

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Imral Usman

First Name Imral
Born on July 12, 1978 (age 46)
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Muhammad Iman Usman

First Name Muhammad
Last Name Usman
Born on December 21, 1991 (age 32)
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Mariam Usman

First Name Mariam
Last Name Usman
Born on November 9, 1990 (age 33)
Height 166 cm | 5'5

Mariam Usman is a Nigerian weightlifter. She competes in the women's +75 kg class, where she is a four-time African Champion and gold medalist at the Commonwealth Games. She also won a bronze medal at the 2011 World Weightlifting Championships and has competed in three editions of the Olympic Games, winning a bronze medal in 2008.

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Fakih Usman

First Name Fakih
Last Name Usman
Born on March 2, 1904
Died on October 3, 1968 (aged 64)
Born in Indonesia, East Java

Kyai Hajji Fakih Usman was an Indonesian Islamic leader and politician with the Masyumi Party. He twice served as the Minister of Religious Affairs: under the Halim Cabinet in the State of the Republic of Indonesia in 1950, and in the national government during the Wilopo Cabinet from 1952 to 1953. In his early years Fakih was criticised by conservative Muslims for his involvement with the modernist Islamic organisation Muhammadiyah, though that group remembers him warmly.

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Marzuki Usman

First Name Marzuki
Last Name Usman
Born on December 30, 1943 (age 80)

Marzuki Usman is an economist and expert on capital markets. He also served as Minister of Tourism, Post and Telecommunications and the Minister of Forestry and Plantation. He is the current chairman of the Jakarta Stock Exchange and serves in several roles in a politically non-partisan capacity.

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Nenadi Usman

First Name Nenadi
Born on November 12, 1966 (age 57)

Nenadi Esther Usman is a Nigerian politician from Jere in Kaduna State, Nigeria. She was elected Senator for Kaduna South in the April 2011 elections, running on the People's Democratic Party (PDP) platform.

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