List of Famous people born in East Java, Indonesia

Hadi Tjahjanto

First Name Hadi
Last Name Tjahjanto
Born on November 8, 1963 (age 60)
Born in Indonesia, East Java

Hadi Tjahjanto is an air chief marshal in the Indonesian Air Force who is presently the Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces. An alumnus of the Indonesian Air Force Academy and Flight School, he was appointed by president Joko Widodo in 2017 as the Commander of the Armed Forces (Panglima).

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Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

First Name Susilo
Last Name Yudhoyono
Born on September 9, 1949 (age 75)
Born in Indonesia, East Java

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, commonly referred to by his initials SBY, is an Indonesian politician and retired Army general who served as the sixth president of Indonesia from 2004 to 2014. He is a member of the Democratic Party and President of the Assembly and Chair of the Council of the Global Green Growth Institute. Yudhoyono was also the former Chairman of ASEAN due to Indonesia hosting the 18th and 19th ASEAN Summits.

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Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo

First Name Kevin
Last Name Sukamuljo
Born on August 2, 1996 (age 28)
Born in Indonesia, East Java

Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo is an Indonesian professional badminton player currently ranked world number 1 in the men's doubles by the Badminton World Federation. He is from PB Djarum, a badminton club in Kudus, Central Java and has been a member of the club since 2007. He won the 2017 All England Open Super Series Premier with his current partner, Marcus Fernaldi Gideon. He and Gideon were awarded the BWF Best Male Players of the Year for two years in a row after collecting seven Super Series titles in 2017 and eight World Tour titles in 2018.

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Yudo Margono

First Name Yudo
Last Name Margono
Born on November 26, 1965 (age 58)
Born in Indonesia, East Java

Yudo Margono is an admiral of the Indonesian Navy who currently serves as its chief of staff, having been appointed on 23 May 2020 to replace Siwi Sukma Adji.

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Born on July 8, 1957 (age 67)
Born in Indonesia, East Java

Dr. Moeldoko is an Indonesian government official, businessman, and retired general serving as the current Chief of Staff of Presidency for President Joko Widodo, previously serving as Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces. He graduated from the Indonesian Military Academy (AKABRI) in 1981 and received the prestigious Adhi Makayasa medal as valedictorian of his class. On August 27, 2013, he was appointed Commander of the National Armed Forces by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and approved by the People's Representative Council after serving as the Chief of Staff of the Army for only three months. He succeeded Admiral (Ret.) Agus Suhartono who retired in May 2013.

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Try Sutrisno

First Name Try
Born on October 15, 1935 (age 89)
Born in Indonesia, East Java

Try Sutrisno is an Indonesian politician and retired army general who served as the country's sixth vice president. He held the office from 11 March 1993 to 11 March 1998. Previously, he served as the Commander of the Republic of Indonesia Armed Forces for five years.

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Hary Tanoesoedibjo

First Name Hary
Last Name Tanoesoedibjo
Born on September 26, 1965 (age 59)
Born in Indonesia, East Java
Net Worth $1.1B

Bambang Hary Iswanto Tanoesoedibjo is an Indonesian businessman and politician. He is the President Director of PT MNC Investama Tbk, which he founded in 2009. As the founder of MNC Group, he oversees and develops the strategy of the holding company and its subsidiaries.

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Emha Ainun Nadjib

First Name Emha
Born on May 27, 1953 (age 71)
Born in Indonesia, East Java

Muhammad Ainun Nadjib, best known as Emha Ainun Nadjib or Cak Nun, is an Indonesian poet, essayist, and humanist. Born in Jombang, East Java, Nadjib began writing poetry while living in Yogyakarta, publishing his first collection in 1976. He became one of the city's predominant poets by the late 1980s, and by then had also began writing essays. He is the leader of the Kiai Kanjeng group, which stages dramas and musical performances on religious themes.

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Born on December 28, 1999 (age 24)
Born in Indonesia, East Java

Iqbaal Dhiafakhri Ramadhan is an Indonesian actor and singer. He is best known as an ex-member of the Indonesian boy band CJR, and for his leading role in Dilan 1990 (2018). In 2018, he won the Variety Asian Star: Up Next award at the International Film Festival & Awards Macao for his role in that drama. Iqbaal is also active in a band: Svmmerdose as the bassist.

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Nissa Sabyan

First Name Nissa
Born on May 23, 1999 (age 25)
Born in Indonesia, East Java

Khoirunnisa, known as Nissa Sabyan, is an Indonesian singer who is a member Sabyan Gambus as a vocalist. Nissa is known to public for often singing (cover) songs with Islamic nuances or prophet salawat. The video clip has been watched millions of times and is often trending on Youtube.

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