List of Famous people named Mariam

Similar names: Miriam, Myriam, Maryam, Mariama. Here are some famous Mariams:

Mariam Ghani

First Name Mariam
Last Name Ghani
Born on January 1, 1978 (age 46)

Mariam Ghani is an Afghan–American visual artist, photographer, filmmaker and social activist.

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Mariam Nour

First Name Mariam
Last Name Nour
Born on May 24, 1933 (age 91)

Mariam Nour is a Lebanese television personality who discusses food and lifestyle issues in Arab media.

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Mariam Sankara

Mariam Sérémé
First Name Mariam
Last Name Sankara
Born on March 26, 1953 (age 71)

Mariam Sankara is the widow of Thomas Sankara, the President of Burkina Faso from 4 August 1983 until his assassination on 15 October 1987. During this time she was First Lady of the country. Thomas Sankara, a Marxist and pan-Africanist army officer, became President of what was then known as the Republic of Upper Volta after a military coup in August 1983. He carried out what he proclaimed to be, the "Democratic and Popular Revolution", implementing many radical reforms. Sankara was killed in a coup in October 1987, orchestrated by his former friend and colleague Blaise Compaoré.

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Mariam Habach

Mariam Habach Santucci
First Name Mariam
Last Name Habach
Born on January 26, 1996 (age 28)
Born in Venezuela, Lara
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Mariam Habach Santucci is a Venezuelan model and beauty pageant titleholder who won Miss Venezuela 2015. She also won Señorita Centro Occidental 2016, she also represented Venezuela at Miss Universe 2016.

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Mariam al-Mansouri

First Name Mariam
Last Name Al-Mansouri
Born on January 1, 1979 (age 45)

Mariam al-Mansouri, , is the first female fighter pilot of the United Arab Emirates. She was one of the first women to join the United Arab Emirates Air Force (UAEAF) academy, graduating in 2007. She flies an F-16 Fighting Falcon and led UAE mission airstrikes against ISIS over Syria.

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Mariam Kakhelishvili

მარიამ კახელიშვილი
First Name Mariam
Last Name Kakhelishvili
Born on October 9, 1995 (age 28)
Born in Georgia, Tbilisi

Mariam Kakhelishvili is a Georgian singer.

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Mariam Lau

First Name Mariam
Last Name Lau
Born on January 1, 1962 (age 62)
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Mariam Usman

First Name Mariam
Last Name Usman
Born on November 9, 1990 (age 33)
Height 166 cm | 5'5

Mariam Usman is a Nigerian weightlifter. She competes in the women's +75 kg class, where she is a four-time African Champion and gold medalist at the Commonwealth Games. She also won a bronze medal at the 2011 World Weightlifting Championships and has competed in three editions of the Olympic Games, winning a bronze medal in 2008.

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Mariam Said

First Name Mariam
Last Name Said
Born on September 20, 1985 (age 38)
Born in Morocco, Souss-Massa
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Mariam Sadiq al-Mahdi

First Name Mariam
Last Name Al-Mahdi
Born on November 30, 1964 (age 59)
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