List of Famous people with last name Felix

Benjamín Arellano Félix

First Name Benjamín
Last Name Félix
Born on March 12, 1952 (age 72)
Born in Mexico, Sinaloa

Benjamín Arellano Félix is a former Mexican drug lord who founded and led the Tijuana Cartel or "Arellano-Félix Organization” until his arrest in March 2002.

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Enedina Arellano Félix

First Name Enedina
Born on April 12, 1961 (age 63)
Born in Mexico, Sinaloa

Enedina Arellano Félix de Toledo is a Mexican drug lord who leads the criminal organization known as the Tijuana Cartel.

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Ramón Arellano Félix

First Name Ramón
Last Name Félix
Born on August 31, 1964
Died on February 10, 2002 (aged 37)
Born in Mexico, Sinaloa

Ramon Eduardo Arellano Félix was a Mexican drug lord who alongside his brothers founded and led the Tijuana Cartel. He was the leader of the enforcement wing of the organization until his assassination on February 10, 2002.

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Eduardo Arellano Félix

First Name Eduardo
Last Name Félix
Born on October 11, 1956 (age 68)

Eduardo Arellano Félix is a Mexican drug trafficker, brother of Benjamín, Ramón, Javier and sister Enedina, all drug traffickers. The Arellano-Félix Organization, also known as the Tijuana Cartel, has been responsible for numerous murders and the smuggling of thousands of tons of marijuana, cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine for more than a decade. The DEA believes that the Arellano-Félix brothers were responsible for the numerous smuggling tunnels that were found in January 2006.

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Francisco Rafael Arellano Félix

First Name Francisco
Last Name Félix
Born on October 24, 1949
Died on October 18, 2013 (aged 63)
Born in Mexico, Sinaloa

Francisco Rafael Arellano Félix was a Mexican drug lord and former leader of the Tijuana Cartel, a drug trafficking organization. He was the oldest of seven brothers and headed the criminal organization early in the 1990s alongside them. Through his brother Benjamín, Francisco Rafael joined the Tijuana Cartel in 1989 following the arrest of Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo, one of the most prominent drug czars in Mexico during the 1980s. When the Arellano Félix took control of the organization in the early 1990s, tensions with the rival Sinaloa Cartel prompted violent attacks and slayings from both fronts.

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Allyson Felix

Allyson Michelle Felix
First Name Allyson
Last Name Felix
Born on November 18, 1985 (age 39)
Height 168 cm | 5'6

Allyson Michelle Felix is an American track and field sprinter who competes in the 100 meters, 200 meters, and 400 meters. At 200 meters, she is the 2012 Olympic champion, a 3-time World champion (2005–2009), and 2-time Olympic silver medalist. At 400 meters, she is the 2015 World champion, 2011 World silver medalist, 2016 Olympic silver medalist, and 2017 World bronze medalist.

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João Félix

João Félix Sequeira
First Name João
Last Name Félix
Born on November 10, 1999 (age 25)
Born in Portugal, Viseu
Height 180 cm | 5'11

João Félix Sequeira is a Portuguese professional footballer who plays as a forward for Spanish La Liga club Atlético Madrid and the Portugal national team.

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María de los Angeles Felix Güereña

María de los Ángeles Félix Güereña
First Name María
Last Name Güereña
Died on April 8, 2002 (aged 32)
Born in Mexico, Sonora

María de los Ángeles Félix Güereña, known as María Félix, was a Mexican film actress and singer. Along with Pedro Armendáriz and Dolores del Río, she was one of the most successful figures of Latin American cinema in the 1940s and 1950s. Considered one of the most beautiful actresses of Mexican cinema, her taste for the finesse and strong personality garnered her the title of diva early in her career. She was known as La Doña, a name derived from her character in the film Doña Bárbara (1943), and María Bonita, thanks to the anthem composed exclusively for her, as a wedding gift by her second husband, the Mexican composer Agustín Lara. She completed a film career that included 47 films made in Mexico, Spain, France, Italy and Argentina.

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Francisco Javier Arellano Félix

First Name Francisco
Last Name Félix
Born on December 11, 1969 (age 55)

Francisco Javier Arellano Félix is a former Mexican drug lord who alongside his brothers founded and led the Tijuana Cartel until his capture by the Coast Guard on August 16, 2006.

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Zoé Félix

Zoé Mitaux Nicolazo d'Alinval
First Name Zoé
Last Name Félix
Born on May 7, 1976 (age 48)

Zoé Félix is a French actress.

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