List of Famous people named Zoe

Similar names: S, Seo, Sei, Sy, Zoya, Zoey, Ze, Sai, So, Si, Zooey, Saya, Soa, Zay, Soyo, Zaha, Zahi, Saye, Soe, Zia, Seyi, Soo, Zoi, Sze, Sae, Zahia, Sa, Sah, Seiya, Zoia, Siah, Zai, Zaya, Zaa, Sia, Za, Siya, Z. Here are some famous Zoes:

Zoë Kravitz

First Name Zoë
Last Name Kravitz
Born on December 1, 1988 (age 35)

Zoë Isabella Kravitz is an American actress, singer and model. The daughter of actor-musician Lenny Kravitz and actress Lisa Bonet, Kravitz achieved recognition for her portrayal of Angel Salvadore in the 2011 superhero film X-Men: First Class, which was followed by supporting roles in The Divergent Series (2014–2016) and Mad Max: Fury Road (2015).

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Zoe Wees

First Name Zoe
Last Name Wees
Born on January 15, 2002 (age 22)
Born in Germany

Zoe Wees is a German singer-songwriter. Her debut single "Control" charted in several nations including number 1 in France and the top 10 in Belgium.

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Zoe Saldana

Zoe Yadira Saldaña Nazario
First Name Zoe
Last Name Saldana
Born on June 19, 1978 (age 46)
Height 169 cm | 5'7

Zoe Yadira Saldaña Perego is an American actress. After her performances with the theater group Faces, she was in two 1999 episodes of Law & Order. Her film career began a year later with Center Stage (2000) portraying a ballet dancer.

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Zoe Kazan

First Name Zoe
Last Name Kazan
Born on September 9, 1983 (age 41)
Height 161 cm | 5'3

Zoe Swicord Kazan is an American actress, playwright, and screenwriter. Kazan made her acting debut in Swordswallowers and Thin Men (2003) and later appeared in films such as The Savages (2007), Revolutionary Road (2008), and It's Complicated (2009). She starred in Happy. Thank You. More. Please. (2010), Meek's Cutoff (2010), Ruby Sparks (2012), and What If (2013). In 2014, she appeared in the HBO miniseries Olive Kitteridge, for which she received an Emmy nomination. She portrayed Emily Gardner in the film The Big Sick (2017), and in 2018 she appeared in the Coen brothers film The Ballad of Buster Scruggs in the episode "The Gal Who Got Rattled".

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Zoe Sugg

First Name Zoe
Last Name Sugg
Born on March 28, 1990 (age 34)

Zoë Elizabeth Sugg, also known as Zoella, is an English vlogger, businesswoman and author. Sugg began posting videos to her YouTube channel in 2009, which went on to amass over 10 million subscribers. In 2014, she launched Zoella Beauty, a brand of beauty products that was described as the "biggest beauty launch of the year". Sugg later launched a range of complimentary homeware products, and in 2019, it was reported that the two businesses had revenue of £3.8 million per year.

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Zoë Ball

First Name Zoë
Last Name Ball
Born on November 23, 1970 (age 53)
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Zoe Louise Ball is a British television and radio personality. She was the first female host of both Radio 1 Breakfast and The Radio 2 Breakfast Show for the BBC, and presented the 1990s children's show Live & Kicking, alongside Jamie Theakston from 1996-1999.

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Zoë Buckman

First Name Zoë
Last Name Buckman
Born on September 13, 1985 (age 39)

Zoë Buckman is an English artist, photographer, and writer.

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Zoé Félix

Zoé Mitaux Nicolazo d'Alinval
First Name Zoé
Last Name Félix
Born on May 7, 1976 (age 48)

Zoé Félix is a French actress.

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Zoë Quinn

Zoë Tiberius Quinn
First Name Zoë
Last Name Quinn
Born on August 13, 1987 (age 37)

Zoë Tiberius Quinn is an American video game developer, programmer, and writer. They developed the interactive fiction game Depression Quest, which was released in 2013. In 2014, a blog post by Quinn's ex-boyfriend sparked the Gamergate controversy, in which Quinn was subjected to extensive harassment. The next year, Quinn co-founded Crash Override, a crisis hotline and resource center for victims of online harassment.

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Zoe Lofgren

First Name Zoe
Last Name Lofgren
Born on December 21, 1947 (age 76)

Susan Ellen "Zoe" Lofgren is an American politician serving as a U.S. Representative from California. A member of the Democratic Party, Lofgren is in her 13th term in Congress, having been first elected in 1994.

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