List of Famous people named Sai

Similar names: Zoe, S, Seo, Sei, Sy, Zoya, Zoey, Ze, So, Si, Zooey, Saya, Soa, Zay, Soyo, Zaha, Zahi, Saye, Soe, Zia, Seyi, Soo, Zoi, Sze, Sae, Zahia, Sa, Sah, Seiya, Zoia, Siah, Zai, Zaya, Zaa, Sia, Za, Siya, Z. Here are some famous Sais:

Sai Pallavi

First Name Sai
Last Name Pallavi
Born on May 9, 1992 (age 32)
Born in India

Sai Pallavi Senthamarai is an Indian actress and dancer who appears in Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam films. She is a recipient of several awards including two Filmfare Awards for her performances in the films Premam and Fidaa.

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Sai Dharam Tej

First Name Sai
Last Name Tej
Born on October 15, 1987 (age 36)
Born in India

Panja Sai Dharam Tej is an Indian actor who works in Telugu films. He made his acting debut with the successful film Pilla Nuvvu Leni Jeevitham (2014) for which he received SIIMA Award and CineMAA Awards for Best Male Debut.

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Sai Tamhankar

First Name Sai
Last Name Tamhankar
Born on June 25, 1986 (age 38)
Born in India

Sai Tamhankar is an Indian actress known for her work in Marathi and Hindi language film and television.

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Sai Kumar

First Name Sai
Last Name Kumar
Born on July 27, 1960 (age 64)
Born in India

Pudipeddi Sai Kumar is an Indian film actor, dubbing artist and television presenter who works predominantly in Telugu and Kannada films. He has received two state Nandi Awards and three Filmfare Awards South for his work in Telugu and Kannada cinema.

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Sai van Wermeskerken

Sai van Wermeskerken is a Japanese footballer who plays as a right back for PEC Zwolle.

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Sai Mauk Kham

First Name Sai
Last Name Kham
Born on August 17, 1950 (age 73)

Dr Sai Mauk Kham is a Burmese politician and physician who currently serves as a House of Representatives MP for Lashio Township constituency. He previously served as 2nd First Vice President of Myanmar from 1 July 2012 to 30 March 2016. He was elected as 1st Second Vice President of Myanmar on 4 February 2011, defeating Aye Maung of the Rakhine Nationalities Development Party and receiving 84% of the votes in the Amyotha Hluttaw.

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Sai Praneeth Bhamidipati

First Name Sai
Last Name Bhamidipati
Born on August 10, 1992 (age 31)
Born in India

Bhamidipati Sai Praneeth is an Indian badminton player. He became the first Indian male shuttler in 36 years to win a bronze medal in the BWF World Championships in 2019 after Prakash Padukone in 1983. Sai Praneeth was honoured with the Arjun Award in 2019.

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Sai Kanakubo

First Name Sai
Last Name Kanakubo
Born on January 11, 1989 (age 35)
Born in Japan

Sai Kanakubo is a Japanese football player who currently plays for Nara Club.

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