List of Famous people named Zooey

Similar names: Zoe, S, Seo, Sei, Sy, Zoya, Zoey, Ze, Sai, So, Si, Saya, Soa, Zay, Soyo, Zaha, Zahi, Saye, Soe, Zia, Seyi, Soo, Zoi, Sze, Sae, Zahia, Sa, Sah, Seiya, Zoia, Siah, Zai, Zaya, Zaa, Sia, Za, Siya, Z. Here are some famous Zooeys:

Zooey Deschanel

Zooey Claire Deschanel
First Name Zooey
Born on January 17, 1980 (age 44)
Height 164 cm | 5'5

Zooey Claire Deschanel is an American actress, model, and singer-songwriter. She made her film debut in Mumford (1999) and next obtained a supporting role in Cameron Crowe's film Almost Famous (2000). Deschanel is known for her deadpan roles in comedy films such as The Good Girl (2002), The New Guy (2002), Elf (2003), The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005), Failure to Launch (2006), Yes Man (2008) and 500 Days of Summer (2009). She has ventured into more dramatic territory with Manic (2001), All the Real Girls (2003), Winter Passing (2005), and Bridge to Terabithia (2007). From 2011 to 2018, she played Jessica Day on the Fox sitcom New Girl, for which she received an Emmy Award nomination and three Golden Globe Award nominations.

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Don't know him/her

Zooey Tseng

First Name Zooey
Born on March 15, 1991 (age 33)
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Don't know him/her
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