List of Famous people born in Valle del Cauca Department, Colombia

Carolína Ramirez

First Name Carolína
Last Name Ramirez
Born on June 20, 1983 (age 41)

Carolina Ramírez is a Colombian actress. She is best known for her roles in television as La hija del mariachi, and her historical character Policarpa Salavarrieta in La Pola.

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Duván Zapata

Duván Esteban Zapata Banguero is a Colombian professional footballer who plays as a striker for Italian club Atalanta and the Colombia national team.

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Lupe Fuentes

Zuleidy Piedrahita Vergara
First Name Lupe
Last Name Fuentes
Born on January 27, 1987 (age 38)

Lupe Fuentes is a Colombian house music producer, DJ, and former pornographic actress. She has been married to singer and actor Evan Seinfeld since 2011.

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Jaime Gilinski Bacal

First Name Jaime
Last Name Bacal
Born on December 14, 1957 (age 67)
Net Worth $3.8B

Jaime Gilinski Bacal is a Colombian banker and real estate developer. Gilinski resides in London. According to Forbes, he is the second richest person in Colombia, with a net worth of US$3.6 billion as of 2020.

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Greeicy Rendón

Greeicy Yeliana Rendón Ceballos
First Name Greeicy
Born on October 30, 1992 (age 32)

Greeicy Yeliana Rendón Ceballos is a Colombian actress and singer.

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Reinaldo Llanta

Reinaldo Rueda Rivera is a Colombian football manager who is currently in charge of the Colombia national football team. In 2011, Rueda was naturalized as a Honduran citizen.

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Danilo Arboleda

Danilo Arboleda Hurtado is a Colombian footballer who plays as a defender for Moldovan club Sheriff Tiraspol.

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Diego Murillo Bejarano

Diego Fernando Murillo Bejarano
First Name Diego
Last Name Bejarano
Born on February 23, 1961 (age 63)

Diego Fernando Murillo Bejarano, also known as Don Berna or Adolfo Paz, is a former leader of the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia paramilitary group, as well as the leader of The Office of Envigado cartel.

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Laura Barjum

Laura González Ospina
First Name Laura
Last Name Barjum
Born on February 22, 1995 (age 29)

Laura González Ospina, also known as Laura Barjum, is a Colombian actress, model and beauty pageant titleholder. She was Miss Colombia 2017 and later represented her country at the Miss Universe 2017 pageant, where she ended as 1st Runner-up.

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Maureen Belky Ramírez Cardona, better known by her stage name Marbelle is a Colombian singer, actress and TV host. She has released six albums with three being certified platinum and two gold. Her last album gave her greater fame in almost all Latin American countries. She is also known as judge and mentor in El factor X and the children spin-off El factor Xs.

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