List of Famous people born in Tulkarm Governorate

Rami Hamdallah

First Name Rami
Last Name Hamdallah
Born on August 10, 1958 (age 65)

Rami Hamdallah is a Palestinian politician and academic. He is the former Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority and president of An-Najah National University in Nablus.

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Walid Saif

وليد إبراهيم أحمد سيف
First Name Walid
Last Name Saif
Born on January 19, 1948 (age 76)

Waleed Saif is a Palestinian-Jordanian poet, short storywriter, television drama writer, playwright, critic, researcher, and academic.

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Jamal Rayyan

جمال مصطفى أحمد ريان
First Name Jamal
Last Name Rayyan
Born on August 23, 1953 (age 70)

Jamal Rayyan is a Palestinian news television anchorman with Al Jazeera Television Network. He was born in the city of Tulkarm in the West Bank on 23 August 1953.

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Munir Nayfeh

منير حسن احمد نايفة
First Name Munir
Last Name Nayfeh
Born on December 13, 1945 (age 78)

Munir Hasan Nayfeh is a Palestinian-American particle physicist, renowned for his pioneering work in nanotechnology. Nayfeh was born in December 1945, in the neighborhood of Shweikeh in Tulkarem city, in what was then Mandatory Palestine. Following the 1948 Palestine war and Palestinian exodus, Nayfeh's family was compelled to settle in Jordan, where he received his Thanaweyeh Ammeh. He received his Bachelor's degree in 1968, and his master's in physics in 1970 from the American University of Beirut, after which he won a scholarship to pursue his PhD at Stanford University in the USA, which he successfully completed in 1974.

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Abu Salma

عبد الكريم سعيد علي منصور الكرمي
First Name Abu
Last Name Salma
Born on November 30, 1908
Died on October 11, 1980 (aged 71)

Abd al-Karim al-Karmi, , known as Abu Salma, was a famous Palestinian poet was born in Tulkarm, and it is a member of the Palestine Liberation Organization.

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Ali H. Nayfeh

علي حسن أحمد نايفة
First Name Ali
Last Name Nayfeh
Born on December 21, 1933
Died on March 27, 2017 (aged 83)

Ali Hasan Nayfeh was a Palestinian-Jordanian mathematician, mechanical engineer and physicist. He is regarded as the most influential scholar and scientist in the area of applied nonlinear dynamics in mechanics and engineering. He was the inaugural winner of the Thomas K. Caughey Dynamics Award, and was awarded the Benjamin Franklin Medal in mechanical engineering. His pioneering work in nonlinear dynamics has been influential in the construction and maintenance of machines and structures that are common in daily life, such as ships, cranes, bridges, buildings, skyscrapers, jet engines, rocket engines, aircraft and spacecraft.

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Al Tayeb Abdul Rahim

طيب عبد الرحيم محمود عبد الحليم
First Name Al
Last Name Rahim
Born on November 30, 1943
Died on March 18, 2020 (aged 76)

Al Tayeb Abdul Rahim is a Palestinian politician, former Secretary-General of the Palestinian Presidency and a former member of the Central Committee of the Fatah movement. Also he was one of the founders of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA).

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Amal Mansour

أمل مرشد أبو صلاح
First Name Amal
Last Name Mansour
Born on November 30, 1949
Died on October 31, 2018 (aged 68)

Amal Murshid Abu Mansour was a Palestinian-Jordanian author and translator to Arabic from English who focused on the genres of education, mathematics, science fiction and science. She had previously worked for the Kuwait Credit and Savings Bank and was secretary for the library of the Executive Office for Occupied Land Affairs in Amman. Mansour was murdered by stabbing in late 2018.

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Marwan Awartani

مروان مسعود محمد عورتاني
First Name Marwan
Last Name Awartani
Born on April 21, 1949 (age 75)

Prof. Marwan Awartani was born in Anabta town east of Tulkarm Governorate, Palestine on April 21, 1949. Dr. Awartani has become one of the leaders in innovative thinking and education development and education reform in the Middle East. Prof. Awartani was the Acting President of Al-Quds University in Jerusalem, Secretary General of the Universal Education Foundation and is the Chairman of the Arab Foundations Forum. Prof. Awartani is the President of the Palestinian Society for Mathematical Sciences, and Founding President of Alpha International, and the president of Palestine Technical University-Khadoorie in Tulkarem-west Bank. Now he is the Minister for Education and Higher Education.

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Ashraf Naalwa

أشرف وليد سليمان نعالوة
First Name Ashraf
Last Name Naalwa
Born on February 24, 1995
Died on December 13, 2018 (aged 23)
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