List of Famous people named Amal

Similar names: Amalia, Amalie, Amala, Amalio, Amaal. Here are some famous Amals:

Amal Clooney

First Name Amal
Last Name Clooney
Born on February 3, 1978 (age 46)
Height 174 cm | 5'9

Amal Clooney is a Lebanese-born British barrister at Doughty Street Chambers, specialising in international law and human rights. Her clients include Maria Ressa, co-founder of Rappler; Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, in his fight against extradition; the former prime minister of Ukraine, Yulia Tymoshenko; Egyptian-Canadian journalist Mohamed Fahmy; and Nobel Prize laureate Nadia Murad.

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Amal Arafa

First Name Amal
Last Name Arafa
Born on March 18, 1970 (age 54)

Amal Arafa is a Syrian actress, singer, and writer. She is the daughter of the well known Syrian composer Suheil Arafa. Amal studied acting in Damascus and learned from her father how to sing. She was married to the actor Abdulmonem Amairy for 14 years, but got divorced in October 2015. They have two daughters, Salma and Mariam.

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Amal Maher

First Name Amal
Last Name Maher
Born on February 19, 1985 (age 39)

Amal Maher is an Egyptian singer. She is heavily influenced by Umm Kulthum. She began singing as a child and was discovered by the general public at the age of fifteen by taking up the songs of Umm Kulthum. Deciding to forgo traditional schooling, Maher enrolled at the Conservatory of Arabic music to start a singing career. She soon met the composer Mohamed Diae, whom she eventually married and had a son with. Diae helped Amal Maher release a song and video clip for Ely Binak W Binah. The song was popular on radio and music television. Maher recorded her first song in 2006 and received the support of Ammar El Sherei, who she considers to be her spiritual father because he has been a loyal supporter and mentor throughout her career. In 2004, she released her first album, Isa 'Ini Ana with many singles such as Eini Aliki Ta Tiba, Makanak, Alo El Malayka, Ana El Basha Ghona, Ana Baadak and Ya Marsr.

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Amal Hijazi

First Name Amal
Last Name Hijazi
Born on February 20, 1977 (age 47)

Amal Hijazi is a Lebanese singer. Hijazi released her debut album, Akher Gharam, in 2001, followed by her second album, Zaman in mid-2002. This album included four number one hit singles, "Zaman", "Oulhali", "Einak" and "Romansyia". Her third album Bedawwar A Albi was released in early 2004 followed by the release of her fourth album Baya al Ward in 2006. The album's breakthrough song of the same name caused the entertainer to face negative critical publicity and a number of controversies.

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Amal Anbari

First Name Amal
Last Name Anbari
Born on April 16, 1987 (age 37)

Amal Anbari, is a Bahraini-Moroccan actress and singer.

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Amal al-Jubouri

First Name Amal
Last Name Al-Jubouri
Born on January 1, 1967 (age 57)

Amal Al-Jubouri is an Iraqi writer, poet, translator, journalist and publisher.

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Amal Essaqr

First Name Amal
Last Name Essaqr
Born on November 30, 1973 (age 50)
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Amal Habani

First Name Amal
Last Name Habani
Born on November 30, 1974 (age 49)

Amal Khalifa Idris Habani is a Sudanese journalist.

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Amal Ibrahim

First Name Amal
Last Name Ibrahim
Born on January 12, 1945 (age 79)
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Amal Al Qubaisi

First Name Amal
Last Name Qubaisi
Born on October 18, 1969 (age 55)

Amal Al Qubaisi was the speaker of the United Arab Emirates Federal National Council (FNC) from 2015 to 2019. She was first female leader of a national assembly in the United Arab Emirates and the Arab world. Before holding the position she was the chairwomen of the Abu Dhabi Education Council.

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