List of Famous people named Marwan

Here are some famous Marwans:

Marwan Kenzari

First Name Marwan
Last Name Kenzari
Born on January 16, 1983 (age 41)
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Marwan Kenzari is a Tunisian-Dutch actor. He has performed in Dutch and English-language movies. He won a Golden Calf for Best Actor in 2013 for his performance in the film Wolf.

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Marwan Koukash

First Name Marwan
Last Name Koukash
Born on December 1, 1958 (age 65)

Marwan Koukash is a businessman and racehorse owner whose horses have won races including the Critérium de Maisons-Laffitte, Cesarewitch Handicap, City and Suburban Handicap, Ayr Gold Cup and Chester Cup. He was also the owner of Salford Red Devils rugby league club until 2018.

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Marwan Abboud

First Name Marwan
Last Name Abboud
Born on August 25, 1969 (age 54)

Marwan Abboud is a Lebanese politician and judge, who was appointed governor of Beirut in June 2020.

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Marwan Barghouti

First Name Marwan
Last Name Barghouti
Born on June 6, 1959 (age 65)

Marwan Hasib Ibrahim Barghouti is a Palestinian political figure convicted and imprisoned for murder by an Israeli court. He is regarded as a leader of the First and Second Intifadas. Barghouti at one time supported the peace process, but later became disillusioned, and after 2000 went on to become a leader of the Second Intifada from the West Bank. Barghouti was a leader of Tanzim, a paramilitary offshoot of Fatah.

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Marwan Mohsen

First Name Marwan
Last Name Mohsen
Born on February 26, 1989 (age 35)
Height 187 cm | 6'2

Marwan Mohsen Fahmy Tharwat Gameldin Mahmoud Fahmy is an Egyptian professional footballer who plays as a striker for Egyptian club Al Ahly and the Egypt national team.

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Marwan Khoury

First Name Marwan
Last Name Khoury
Born on February 3, 1968 (age 56)

Marwan Khoury is a Lebanese singer, writer, composer and music arranger. He has composed hits for artists such as Majida El Roumi, Saber Rebaï, Nawal Al Zoghbi, Assala Nasri, Najwa Karam, Fadl Shaker, Elissa, Carole Samaha, Bassima, and Myriam Fares.

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Marwan Hamed

First Name Marwan
Last Name Hamed
Born on May 29, 1977 (age 47)

Marwan Hamed is a young Egyptian film director. He is the son of author Wahid Hamed and journalist Zeinab Sweidan. His debut was a short film entitled Li Li followed by a major feature film entitled The Yacoubian Building based on a novel by Alaa Al Aswany and starring Adel Emam.

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Marwan Issa

First Name Marwan
Last Name Issa
Born on November 30, 1964 (age 59)

Marwan Issa is a Palestinian militant and leader of Hamas' military wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades. In 2012, Issa replaced Ahmed Jabari as the group's military leader after Jabari was killed in a targeted Israeli air strike.

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Marwan Hamadeh

First Name Marwan
Last Name Hamadeh
Born on September 11, 1939 (age 84)

Marwan Mohammad Ali Hamadé is a Lebanese journalist and politician, who served in various capacities in different cabinets, including minister of education, minister of telecommunications, minister of economy and trade, minister of tourism, minister of health and minister for the displaced. He served as a Member of the Lebanese parliament until his resignation, on 5th August 2020, after the 2020 Beirut explosions, due to the government being "ineffective".

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Marwan Lahoud

First Name Marwan
Last Name Lahoud
Born on March 6, 1966 (age 58)

Marwan Lahoud, born March 6, 1966 in Lebanon, is a naturalized French-Lebanese weapons engineer, living in France. He was Deputy Chief Executive Officer for strategy and marketing for the Airbus group until February 2017. In May 2017, he was appointed Chairman of the Supervisory Board of OT-Morpho, a position he only held for a short time, even if he remained director for two years of different entities of this group, renamed from IDEMIA.

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