List of Famous people who born in 1901

Walt Disney

Walter Elias Disney
First Name Walt
Last Name Disney
Born on December 5, 1901
Died on December 15, 1966 (aged 65)
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Walter Elias Disney was an American entrepreneur, animator, writer, voice actor and film producer. A pioneer of the American animation industry, he introduced several developments in the production of cartoons. As a film producer, Disney holds the record for most Academy Awards earned by an individual, having won 22 Oscars from 59 nominations. He was presented with two Golden Globe Special Achievement Awards and an Emmy Award, among other honors. Several of his films are included in the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress.

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Meg Johnson

First Name Meg
Last Name Johnson
Born on January 1, 1901 (age 124)

Meg Johnson is an American poet and lecturer. Her poems have appeared in numerous literary magazines, including Midwestern Gothic, Slipstream Magazine, Word Riot, Hobart, and many others. Her first collection of poems, Inappropriate Sleepover, was released in 2014, her second collection, The Crimes of Clara Turlington, was released in December 2015., and her third book, Without: Body, Name, Country is due to release in September 2020. She is also the current editor of the Dressing Room Poetry Journal.

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Komaram Bheem

First Name Komaram
Born on October 22, 1901
Died on October 19, 1940 (aged 38)

Komuram Bheem was an Indian tribal leader who fought against the Asaf Jahi dynasty for the liberation of Hyderabad. Komuram Bheem fought against the feudal landlords during the Nizam's rule in a guerrilla campaign. He defied courts, laws, and any other form of Nizam authority, living off the sustenance of the forest. He took up arms against Nizam's soldiers, who he fought until his last breath.

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Clark Gable

William Clark Gable
First Name Clark
Last Name Gable
Born on February 1, 1901
Died on November 16, 1960 (aged 59)
Height 184 cm | 6'0

William Clark Gable was an American film actor, often referred to as "The King of Hollywood". He had roles in more than 60 motion pictures in multiple genres during a career that lasted 37 years, three decades of which was as a leading man. Gable died of a heart attack; his final on screen appearance was of an aging cowboy in The Misfits, released posthumously in 1961.

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Princess Märtha of Sweden

Prinsessan Märtha Sofia Lovisa Dagmar Thyra av Sverige
First Name Princess
Last Name Sweden
Born on March 28, 1901
Died on April 5, 1954 (aged 53)

Princess Märtha of Sweden was Crown Princess of Norway as the spouse of the future King Olav V from 1929 until her death in 1954. The presently reigning King Harald V is her only son. Märtha was also a sister of Queen Astrid of Belgium, and a maternal aunt of Grand Duchess Joséphine-Charlotte of Luxembourg, King Baudouin of Belgium and King Albert II of Belgium.

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Gary Cooper

First Name Gary
Last Name Cooper
Born on May 7, 1901
Died on May 13, 1961 (aged 60)
Height 191 cm | 6'3

Gary Cooper was an American actor known for his natural, authentic, and understated acting style. He won the Academy Award for Best Actor twice and had a further three nominations, as well as receiving an Academy Honorary Award for his career achievements in 1961. He was one of the top 10 film personalities for 23 consecutive years, and one of the top money-making stars for 18 years. The American Film Institute (AFI) ranked Cooper at No. 11 on its list of the 25 greatest male stars of classic Hollywood cinema.

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Magda Goebbels

Johanna Maria Magdalena Behrend
First Name Magda
Born on November 11, 1901
Died on May 1, 1945 (aged 43)
Born in Germany

Johanna Maria Magdalena "Magda" Goebbels was the wife of Nazi Germany's Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels. A prominent member of the Nazi Party, she was a close ally, companion, and political supporter of Adolf Hitler. Some historians refer to her as the unofficial "first lady" of Nazi Germany, while others give that title to Emmy Göring.

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Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia

First Name Grand
Last Name Russia
Born on June 5, 1901
Died on July 17, 1918 (aged 17)

Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia was the youngest daughter of Tsar Nicholas II, the last sovereign of Imperial Russia, and his wife, Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna.

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Ödön von Horváth

Edmund Josef von Horváth
First Name Ödön
Born on December 9, 1901
Died on June 1, 1938 (aged 36)

Edmund Josef von Horváth was a German-writing Austro-Hungarian-born playwright and novelist. He preferred the Hungarian version of his first name and published as Ödön von Horváth.

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Michael D’Andrea

First Name Michael
Last Name D’Andrea
Born on January 1, 1901 (age 124)

Michael D'Andrea is an officer of the Central Intelligence Agency who spent nine years as director of Counterterrorism Center (CTC) during the war on terror, serving as a major figure in the search for Osama bin Laden, as well as the American drone strike targeted killing campaign. In 2017 he was appointed to head the agency's Iran Mission Center, one of the earliest moves in what became the 'maximum pressure' strategy of the Trump administration against Iran. In January 2020, there were unverified reports of his death.

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