List of Famous people named Olivier

Name Olivier is among the most common names in France, Switzerland. Similar names: Oliver, Olivera, Oliviero. Here are some famous Oliviers:

Olivier Giroud

Olivier Jonathan Giroud
First Name Olivier
Last Name Giroud
Born on September 30, 1986 (age 37)
Height 193 cm | 6'4

Olivier Jonathan Giroud is a French professional footballer who plays as a forward for Premier League club Chelsea and the France national team. Described by pundits as one of the best strikers of his generation, despite his lack of pace, Giroud is known for his prolific goal scoring abilities, he is also widely recognised for his stunning 'scorpion kick' goal that won him the FIFA Puskás Award.

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Olivier Rousteing

First Name Olivier
Last Name Rousteing
Born on September 13, 1985 (age 38)

Olivier Rousteing is a French fashion designer. He has been the creative director of Balmain since 2011.

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Olivier Véran

First Name Olivier
Last Name Véran
Born on April 22, 1980 (age 44)

Olivier Véran is a French neurologist and politician who has been serving as Minister of Solidarity and Health in the governments of successive Prime Ministers Édouard Philippe and Jean Castex since 2020. A member of La République En Marche! (REM), he previously was the member of the National Assembly for the first constituency of the Isère department from 2017 until 2020.

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Olivier Duhamel

First Name Olivier
Last Name Duhamel
Born on May 2, 1950 (age 74)

Olivier Duhamel is a French former university professor and politician. As a member of the social-democratic Socialist Party, he was elected as a member of the European Parliament from 1997 to 2004.

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Olivier Sarkozy

Pierre-Olivier Sarközy de Nagy-Bocsa
First Name Olivier
Last Name Sarkozy
Born on May 26, 1969 (age 55)

Pierre Olivier Sarkozy is a French banker based in the United States. His half-brother is Nicolas Sarkozy, the former President of France.

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Olivier Dassault

Olivier André Dassault
First Name Olivier
Last Name Dassault
Born on June 1, 1951
Died on March 7, 2021 (aged 69)
Net Worth $4.7B

Olivier Dassault is a French politician and billionaire, and a deputy in the French National Assembly.

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Olivier Marchal

First Name Olivier
Last Name Marchal
Born on November 14, 1958 (age 65)

Olivier Marchal is a French actor, director, screenwriter, and a former policeman. In 2005, he was nominated for three César Awards for his film 36 Quai des Orfèvres. He also created the popular French television police drama Braquo and wrote and directed some episodes in its first season (2009).

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Olivier Minne

First Name Olivier
Last Name Minne
Born on March 18, 1967 (age 57)

Olivier Minne is a Belgian-born French television presenter, actor and producer.

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Olivier Dacourt

Olivier Yohan Dacourt
First Name Olivier
Last Name Dacourt
Born on September 25, 1974 (age 49)
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Olivier Yohan Dacourt is a French former professional footballer who played as a midfielder. He is also a former French international and is best known for his spells at English side Leeds United and Italian clubs Roma and Inter Milan.

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Olivier Sitruk

First Name Olivier
Last Name Sitruk
Born on December 25, 1970 (age 53)

Olivier Sitruk, is a French comedian, actor, and producer, who has appeared in 44 films and television shows.

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