List of Famous people named Oliver

Name Oliver is among the most common names in Germany. Similar names: Olivier, Olivera, Oliviero. Here are some famous Olivers:

Oliver Marmol

First Name Oliver
Last Name Marmol
Born on July 2, 1986 (age 38)

Oliver J. Marmol is an American professional baseball player and manager. As of 2021, he is the manager of the St. Louis Cardinals of Major League Baseball (MLB) and, at 35, the youngest manager in the league.

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Oliver Cheshire

First Name Oliver
Last Name Cheshire
Born on June 3, 1988 (age 36)

Oliver Luke Cheshire is an English fashion model and writer.

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Oliver Wnuk

First Name Oliver
Last Name Wnuk
Born on January 28, 1976 (age 48)

Oliver Wnuk is a German actor. He is best known for his performance as Ulf Steinke in the TV series Stromberg.

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Oliver Hudson

Oliver Rutledge Hudson
First Name Oliver
Last Name Hudson
Born on September 7, 1976 (age 48)
Height 182 cm | 6'0

Oliver Rutledge Hudson is an American actor. He is known for his roles as Adam Rhodes in the CBS comedy series Rules of Engagement (2007–2013), Jeff Fordham on the ABC musical drama series Nashville (2013–2015) and Wes Gardner in the Fox horror comedy Scream Queens. He appeared as one of the main cast members of the ABC sitcom Splitting Up Together, produced by Ellen DeGeneres.

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Oliver Kahn

Oliver Rolf Kahn
First Name Oliver
Last Name Kahn
Born on June 15, 1969 (age 55)
Height 188 cm | 6'2

Oliver Rolf Kahn is a German former football goalkeeper. He started his career in the Karlsruher SC Junior team in 1975. Twelve years later, Kahn made his debut match in the professional squad. In 1994, he was transferred to Bayern Munich for the fee of DM4.6 million, where he played until the end of his career in 2008. His commanding presence in goal and aggressive style earned him nicknames such as Der Titan from the press and Vol-kahn-o ("volcano") from fans.

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Oliver Pocher

First Name Oliver
Last Name Pocher
Born on February 18, 1978 (age 46)

Oliver Pocher is a German actor, stand-up comedian, television host and former football manager who managed Zanzibar national team from 2005 to 2006.

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Oliver Stone

William Oliver Stone
First Name Oliver
Last Name Stone
Born on September 15, 1946 (age 78)
Height 183 cm | 6'0

William Oliver Stone is an American film director, producer, and screenwriter. Stone won an Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay as writer of Midnight Express (1978), and wrote the gangster movie Scarface (1983). Stone achieved prominence as writer and director of the war drama Platoon (1986), which won Academy Awards for Best Director and Best Picture. Platoon was the first in a trilogy of films based on the Vietnam War, in which Stone served as an infantry soldier. He continued the series with Born on the Fourth of July (1989)—for which Stone won his second Best Director Oscar—and Heaven & Earth (1993). Stone's other works include the Salvadoran Civil War-based drama Salvador (1986); the financial drama Wall Street (1987) and its sequel Money Never Sleeps (2010); the Jim Morrison biographical film The Doors (1991); the satirical black comedy crime film Natural Born Killers (1994); a trilogy of films based on the American Presidency: JFK (1991), Nixon (1995), and W. (2008); and Snowden (2016).

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Oliver Masucci

First Name Oliver
Last Name Masucci
Born on December 6, 1968 (age 56)
Height 186 cm | 6'1

Oliver Masucci is a German actor. He is best known for the role of Adolf Hitler in the 2015 film adaptation of the satirical novel Er Ist Wieder Da and for portraying Ulrich Nielsen in the 2017 Netflix original series Dark.

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Oliver North

First Name Oliver
Last Name North
Born on October 7, 1943 (age 81)

Oliver Laurence North is an American political commentator, television host, military historian, author, and retired United States Marine Corps lieutenant colonel.

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Oliver Korittke

First Name Oliver
Last Name Korittke
Born on April 6, 1968 (age 56)
Born in Germany

Oliver Korittke is a German actor. He appeared in more than one hundred films since 1972. In Wilsberg he plays the role of Ekkehard Talkötter, an official tax inspector.

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