List of Famous people named Ole

Similar names: Ola, Olli, Ollie, Olly, Oli, Olle, Oley, Olia, Ol. Here are some famous Oles:

Ole Gunnar Solskjær

Ole Gunnar Solskjær KSO is a Norwegian professional football manager and former player who is the manager of Premier League club Manchester United.

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Ole Werner

Ole Werner is a German football manager, currently managing Holstein Kiel.

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Ole Einar Bjørndalen

First Name Ole
Born on January 27, 1974 (age 50)
Born in Norway, Viken
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Ole Einar Bjørndalen is a retired Norwegian professional biathlete and coach, often referred to by the nickname, the "King of Biathlon". With 13 Winter Olympic Games medals, he is second on the list of multiple medalists behind Marit Bjørgen who has won 15 medals. He is also the most successful biathlete of all time at the Biathlon World Championships, having won 45 medals, more than double that of any other biathlete except Martin Fourcade. With 95 World Cup wins, Bjørndalen is ranked first all-time for career victories on the Biathlon World Cup tour, more than twice that of anyone else but Fourcade. He has won the Overall World Cup title six times, in 1997–98, in 2002–03, in 2004–05, in 2005–06, in 2007–08 and in 2008–09.

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Ole Andreas Halvorsen

First Name Ole
Born on January 1, 1961 (age 63)
Net Worth $6.3B

Ole Andreas Halvorsen is a Norwegian-born billionaire hedge fund manager. He is the CEO and a co-founder of the Connecticut-based hedge fund, Viking Global Investors. Viking had $24 billion under management as of October, 2017. Halvorsen has consistently ranked among the top earning hedge fund managers, placing 11th in Forbes' 2012 rankings and 9th in 2015, according to Institutional Investor's Alpha.

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Ole Rømer

First Name Ole
Born on September 25, 1644
Died on September 19, 1710 (aged 65)

Ole Christensen Rømer was a Danish astronomer who, in 1676, made the first quantitative measurements of the speed of light.

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Ole von Beust

First Name Ole
Born on April 13, 1955 (age 69)
Born in Germany

Carl-Friedrich Arp Ole Freiherr von Beust, generally called Ole von Beust, is a former German politician who was First Mayor of Hamburg from 31 October 2001 to 25 August 2010, serving as President of the Bundesrat from 1 November 2007 on for one year. He was succeeded as mayor by Christoph Ahlhaus.

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Ole Worm

First Name Ole
Born on May 13, 1588
Died on August 31, 1654 (aged 66)

Ole Worm, who often went by the Latinized form of his name Olaus Wormius, was a Danish physician, natural historian and antiquary. He was a professor at the University of Copenhagen where he taught Greek, Latin, Physics and Medicine.

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Ole Poulsen

First Name Ole
Born on December 16, 1941 (age 82)

Ole Poulsen is a retired Danish sailor. Competing in the dragon class he won gold medals at the 1964 Olympics and 1965 World Championships, both times with Ole Berntsen. His mother Ulla Barding-Poulsen and grandmother Yutta Barding were Olympic fencers.

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Ole Nordhaug

First Name Ole
Born on February 3, 1925
Died on September 19, 2021 (aged 96)

Ole Nordhaug was a Norwegian Lutheran bishop. He was the first Bishop of the Diocese of Møre from its creation in 1983 until his retirement in 1991.

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Ole Thestrup

First Name Ole
Born on March 12, 1948
Died on February 2, 2018 (aged 69)

Ole Svane Thestrup was a Danish actor. He appeared in many Danish films, particularly those directed by Anders Thomas Jensen, as well as television and theatre roles. He had a recurring role in the political drama series Borgen.

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