List of Famous people named Mikiyo

Mikiyo Ohno

First Name Mikiyo
Born on June 17, 1974 (age 50)
Born in Japan, Tokyo
Height 167 cm | 5'6

Mikiyo Ōno is a Japanese model, actress and J-pop singer. She was the youngest member of the group CoCo.

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Mikiyo Tsuda

First Name Mikiyo
Born on January 1, 2000 (age 25)
Born in Japan

Mikiyo Tsuda is a Japanese manga writer and illustrator from Fukui Prefecture who has been writing manga since 1998. This name is one of her two pen names that she writes under when drawing manga, the other being Taishi Zaō . Under the name Taishi Zaō, she writes boys love and girls love manga while under Mikiyo Tsuda she writes comedy-shōjo manga. Her reasons for doing this mainly had to do with keeping the fact that she drew manga centered on homosexual relationships from her family but they eventually found out anyway. Many manga artists often adopt artistic personas for themselves in order to represent themselves in sections of their manga not attributed to the story, as in an author's note section. Mikiyo Tsuda's persona is that of a teddy bear wearing a red bow tie with a bell at its center.

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