List of Famous people named Miki

Miki Nadal

First Name Miki
Last Name Nadal
Born on September 29, 1967 (age 57)
Born in Spain, Aragon

Miguel "Miki" Nadal Furriel, is a Spanish comedian and actor known for his work on television and in the theatre. He studied law but abandoned his studies for the stage. He started his television career in La sonrisa del pelícano in 1997.

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Miki Nakatani

First Name Miki
Last Name Nakatani
Born on January 12, 1976 (age 49)
Born in Japan, Tokyo
Height 160 cm | 5'3

Miki Nakatani is a Japanese actress and singer. She is most known for her appearance in the 1998 Japanese supernatural psychological horror film Ring.

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Miki Howard

First Name Miki
Last Name Howard
Born on September 30, 1960 (age 64)

Alicia Michelle "Miki" Howard is an American singer and actress who had a string of Top 10 hit songs in the mid–1980s and early–1990s, including "Baby, Be Mine" (1987), "Come Share My Love" (1986) and "Love Under New Management" (1990). "Ain't Nobody Like You" (1992) and "Ain't Nuthin' in the World" (1989) both peaked at number one on the U.S. Billboard Top R&B Singles chart.

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Miki Mizuno

First Name Miki
Last Name Mizuno
Born on June 28, 1974 (age 50)

Miki Mizuno is a Japanese actress. She played the role of villain in the horror film Carved as the Kuchisake-Onna a malevolent vengeful spirit who killed many children.

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Miki Maya

First Name Miki
Last Name Maya
Born on January 31, 1964 (age 61)

Miki Maya is a Japanese actress and former top star of the Takarazuka Revue. Her real name is Miki Sato . She joined the Takarazuka Revue in 1981. Her debut performance was "Takarazuka Haru no Odori" and she became the top star of the Flower Troupe for her role in East Of Eden in 1995. She retired in 1998 after her last show 'Speakeasy', based on the 17 John Gay ballad opera The Beggar's Opera, in which she sang the theme song Kaze no machi no junjō na akutō tachi(風の街の純情な男たち).

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Miki Sakai

First Name Miki
Last Name Sakai
Born on February 21, 1978 (age 46)
Height 156 cm | 5'1

Miki Sakai, born 21 February 1978 in Aoi-ku, Shizuoka, Japan is an actress and J-pop idol singer.

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Miki Fujimura

First Name Miki
Last Name Fujimura
Born on January 15, 1956 (age 69)
Born in Japan, Tokyo

Miki Fujimura is a former Japanese female singer. She is best known as Miki (ミキ), a member of the pop trio Candies.

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Miki Sudo

First Name Miki
Last Name Sudo
Born on November 30, 1984 (age 40)

Miki Victoria Sudo is an American competitive eater. She has won the women's competition at the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest every year since 2014, when she unseated Sonya Thomas, who had won the women's competition since its inception in 2011.

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Miki Fujitani

金谷 満紀子
First Name Miki
Last Name Fujitani
Born on September 15, 1973 (age 51)
Height 162 cm | 5'4

Miki Fujitani is a Japanese actress. In addition to her many live-action film and television roles, she had a prominent voice role as Kamiya Kaoru in the Rurouni Kenshin anime series, and as Chun-Li in Street Fighter II The Movie.

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Miki Imai

First Name Miki
Last Name Imai
Born on April 14, 1963 (age 61)

Miki Imai is a female Japanese pop singer and actress. She won the award for best newcomer at the 8th Yokohama Film Festival for Inuji ni Seshi Mono.

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